Pick up a index card Copy the questions on the card and answer the questions 1.Your name and period. 2.Extra curricular activities you are involve in school or out of school 3.Do you have a computer at home? Internet at home? If you don’t have either can you get to the library or some where else to get on line? 4.Are there any topics in science that interest you? 5.Do you plan on going into a career in science?
Discipline Policy Consequence Progression 3 of the following during a 9 week period = morning detention. - Tardy - Unprepared for class - missing homework (1/2 credit one day late. zero after) - Minor disruption 3 teacher detentions = office detention or immediate office detention for - Bullying - Insubordination
Lab Notebook What am I looking for? Laboratory Notebook: 1. Daily Record Keeping: The kinds of things that they should record are the following: A.Date and name of class activities. 1.Example for today 1.Aug 29 Laboratory notebook ( on the first line) B. Notes taken in class. You do not have to write everything I put up. I will let you know when and what to write (red) and I will give you time to get it down. C. Specific information about every class activity whether it is a lab, group work, or individual work. 1.Vocabulary words and definitions 2.Lab data, observation and procedures 3.Answers to questions from handout, book or anything else. 4. What questions do you have about what you are being asked to observe, research, or do? 5.Review from the book You are responsible to have your notebook in class everyday.
Folder All paper for the nine (9) weeks. You will take home at the end of the nine weeks and show Parents and have it signed. May be cleaned out at the end of each nine weeks. If you don’t have the paper in your folder and it is missing in the grade book too bad
Lab Rules 1.Follow all direction at all times. 2.If you are injured even the smallest injury let me know so it can be determined if it requires first aid. 3.No horse play. No warnings. If you screw around you won’t do any of the labs and take a zero. 4.You must work in your station area. You will only be told once to return to your area. Second time you get a zero for the lab. 5.When safety glasses are used they must be covering your eye and left on during the lab. You get one warning, second warning you get a zero for the lab. 6.Clean up time is for everyone in the group. The group must clean up the area including the sink. Dry all equipment and leave it in an orderly matter. Fail to do so and you can clean and dry ever ones equipment the following day. Repeat offences and you can come in before or after school and clean up the lab.
Lab Reports All lab reports and projects will have the following requirement. 1.Each person in the group must have an assignment to include but not limited to a)Clean up b)Writer/researcher c)Gather equipment d)Every one needs to record the data in their notebook or on the hand out and answer the questions. e)Every one will participate in running the experiment. No one person should be doing everything while the rest stand around and watch. The group can receive a zero for the lab or project for letting this happen. 2.We will change groups often so don’t tell me you can’t work in a group. I really don’t care. Remember this is a 21century skill that you will have to master once you are out of school, so suck it up and live with it.