Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Acknowledgements Deming Shu, APS Tom Rebedeue, SSRL
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Canadian Light Source Front Ends D.T. Jiang and E. Hallin, CLS, Saskatoon, Canada Outline Generic Specs of CLS Front Ends Type of SR Sources SR Thermal Power Loads FE Layouts: Two-ID/Straight, One-ID/Straight, BM SR Ray Tracing Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing Current Design Issues Summary
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang CLS Top View
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang BL Construction Status
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang 1 st Phase of BL Development at CLS
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang 45mm-U (SGM) 185mm-U (PGM) 75mm- EPU (SPM) 22mm- SGU (PX) WSup33 (Sup- conduct) Period length (cm) Device length (m) Number of periods Max. magnetic field B 0 (T) Critical E c (keV) Max. deflection parameter, K K/ ( rad) (CLS 1/ = 176 rad) Total Power (kW) Peak Power (kW/mrad 2 ) ID-photon shutter distance (m) *10.00 Peak heat shutter (W/mm 2 ) Summary of Design Parameters for CLS Insertion Devices
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Superconducting Wiggler Brilliance Period = 33 mm, B = 1.9 T, K = 5.91, Length ~1.2 m
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Superconduction Wiggler Heat Flux at the 1 st FE Fixed Mask
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SGU Heat Flux Density FM-1 Max heat flux density 702 W/mm 2 This is calculated for a second CLS Small Gap Undulator at the down stream location in a chicaned Two-SGU/Straight.
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Thermal Power Loads CLS IDs P total (kW) W/mm W/mm W/mm W/mm W/mm W/mm 33mm1.9T Wiggler (XAFS) mm-SGU (PX) mm-U (SGM) & 185mm-U (PGM) mm-EPU x BM /H- mrad
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Reference APS FE Specifications 1)APS Undulator 1st fixed mask P total = 6.0 kW, P density =559 W/mm 2. D. Shu et. al. Nucl. Instrum. & Methods, A 347, (1994) 2)APS FE V1.2 would accommodate the total power (>~6 kW) and power density load of 600 W/mm 2. D. Shu et. al. (preprint) 3)In APS FE V1.5, P total = 9 kW and P density =800 W/mm 2, a design targeting at thermal load capacity of 12 kW total power with 1.2 kW/mm 2 maximum power density (4.8-meter-long double undulator A with APS operating at 100 mA). D. Shu et. al. (unpublished)
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Schematic of CLS Two-ID/Straight FE
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Schematic of Single ID/Straight FE
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Schematic of Bending Magnet Line FE
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Layout of CLS Two-ID/Straight FE: plan view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Layout of CLS Two-ID/Straight FE: side view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang FE Angular throughput required for phase I CLS beamlines FE IdentifierSource/BL Identifier Vertical (mrad) Horizontal (mrad) Duplex ID FE (11ID) 185mm-U (11ID.2, VLS PGM)0.7 45mm-U (11ID.1, SGM) Duplex ID FE (10ID) 75mm-EPU (10ID.1 Spectromicroscopy) mm-EPU (10ID.2, NOT TO BE IMPLEMENTED INNITIALLY) Assumed same as above Single ID FE (08ID) 22mm-SGU (08ID.1, Protein crystallgraphy) Sing ID FE (07ID) 35mm-Wiggler (XAFS) BM FE (BM1)BM
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Dipole Chamber Virtual Aperture for Miss-steered ID SR Rays This neck acts a virtual aperture that limits the allowed miss-steering size along the straight mm to straight center chamber neck
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing of Two-ID/Straight FE: vertical
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing of Two-ID/Straight FE: horizontal Example: SGM/PGM Sector
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Horizontal trace detail
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing for Two-ID/Straight FE: vertical 1 st Collimator thickness determined by EGS4 calculation.
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing for Two-ID/Straight FE:horizontal
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Layout of Single ID/Straight FE: plan view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Layout of Single ID/Straight FE: side view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Shutter:moving box-type mask (D.Shu et al,APS)
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight vertical
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight horizontal
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight horizontal
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bending Magnet FE (BM1): plan view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bending Magnet FE (BM1): elevation view
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing: BM1 vertical
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang SR Ray Tracing: BM1 horizontal
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight vertical
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Bremsstrahlung Ray Tracing: Single ID/Straight horizontal
Sept.2001 Shanghai symposium D.T. Jiang Status of CLS BL FE Construction Conceptual Designs are completed. The designs are compact, simpler and with the same thermal power load capacity compared to the template APS FE design. Detail engineering design is in progress (mainly FEA Analysis confirmation for the results Extrapolated from the parametric studies of the APS FE designs). Tendering process is scheduled to start by the end of 2001.