Third Sector Schools
Outline CDE’s Education Research The Idea of Third Sector Schools The Commissioned Research 2
3 CDE’s Education Work Public Schooling Reform VALUE IN THE CLASSROOM: The quantity and quality of South Africa's teachers (CDE In Depth, September 2011). SCHOOLING REFORM IS POSSIBLE: Lessons for South Africa from international experience (CDE Round Table, September 2011). DOUBLING FOR GROWTH: Addressing the maths and science challenge in South Africa's schools (CDE Research 15, October 2007). Low-Fee Private Schooling HIDDEN ASSETS: South Africa’s low-fee private schools (CDE In Depth 10, August 2010). Forthcoming: PROMOTING SCHOOL CHOICE FOR THE POOR: Practical ideas from international experience.
The Concept of Third Sector Schools Between Public and Private Education A partnership between government and the private sector Government remains in charge but private sector is provided with significant amounts of autonomy Two potential models Aim: To make quality education available to poor learners in ways that are currently not possible 4
Third Sector School Research: Aims A research based, non-partisan advocacy initiative for how to catalyze different school models in South Africa, based on public-private partnerships. Investigate the ideal form(s) of this schooling model for a South African context and how to get it off the ground in SA. Learn from international examples on how to ensure quality, sustainable schooling for the poor Obtain a detailed understanding of the local opportunities and obstacles 5
Proposed Outcomes There are three expected results of this program: –Assess whether the third sector idea is feasible in South Africa. –Develop a clear concept of what third sector school models would ideally look like in South Africa and how such models could be made a reality. –Greater interest in the role and potential benefits of ‘third sector’ schools within the SA government, the private sector, education experts, key role players and the general public. 6
Research topic 1: Lessons for South Africa from the US Charter School Movement Investigation into what SA can learn from the charter school movement in the US Strengths and the weaknesses of the charter system in the US, especially regarding the delivery of quality schooling to disadvantaged areas. What a developing country like South Africa could learn from these experiences. How to apply to a developing country context. Funding and regulatory arrangements that facilitate successful charters. Dr Robin Lake - Executive Director of the Centre on Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington 7
Research topic 2: Lessons from ‘Third- Sector’ Schools in Developing Countries Investigate a variety of charter-like school systems that have been established across the developing world What lessons can be learned and applied to a South African context? Strengths and the weaknesses, including the specific characteristics of the successful and non-successful programmes Focus on the delivery of quality schooling to disadvantaged areas. Dr Michael Latham (Principal International Consultant, CfBT 8
Research Topic 3: the Regulatory Environment in South Africa Comprehensive review of the regulatory and funding environment in which South African schools operate. Evaluation and analysis of current financial models, policy frameworks and the legal environment to show how conducive these factors are for the development of ‘third sector schools’. Identify ‘loop holes’ and opportunities The reforms to the regulatory environment that would be necessary to make it a friendly environment for third sector schools. Jennifer Bisgard (Executive Director of Khulisa Management Services) and Gareth Rossiter (Independent Development Professional) 9
Research Topic 4: The Role of CSR Funding How much money is spent on education and by whom Engage top 15 funders on how they would view the establishment of a ‘third sector’ model. Draw out ideas for the formulation of the model from CSR concerns and demands Develop potential funding models that could combine state and private sector funding for third sector schools. Helene Perold (Director, Helene Perold and Associates) 10
Research Topic 5: Potential Third Sector Schools In South Africa Aims of the SAESC How do the schools in the coalition deliver quality education to poor learners in disadvantaged areas How would this affected by Third Sector changes How open the coalition members are to converting What the members think a third sector of schools should look like Any other initiatives that have moved into or are contemplating a move towards third sector status Sonja Giese - Independent Consultant, PACE Consulting 11