ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics September, 2015
ETA Accidents- 9/15 TypeDateDivDescriptionSeverityStatus Repetitive Motion- wrist/arm 9/4/15EAEI Bilateral hand and forearm pain OSHA Recordable- Work Restriction Health Services monitoring. Ergonomic evaluation completed. Repetitive Motion- wrist/arm 9/23/15ESDR Progressively worsening pain in left thumb, wrist and arm First Aid (TBD)Health Services monitoring. Ergonomic Evaluation pending.
ETA Accidents- By Type
ETA Accidents- Severity
ETA Emergency Incidents- 9/15 DateIncidentAreaStatus There were no ETA-related incidents in September
ETA Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open ETA Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 9/24/15ESDRDiscomfortAssigned 9/11/15BTUSOffice MoveActions Pending 9/10/15EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 9/3/15EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 8/17/15EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 8/17/15BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending
ETA Incomplete Training Assignments
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 83 )
Training Assignments Due (Total = 83) Open Assignments by DivisionOpen Assignments by Hire Date
ETA Training Assignments Due
ETA “Activity Manager” Set-up Status (106 Total Work Activities)
ETA “Activity Manager” Assignments ETA Total Personnel- 671
Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Red Dot) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “failed” and requires repair prior to use.
ETA Failed Electrical Equipment Status (9/30/15) BarcodeBuildingRoomEquipment NameResponsible PersonDIV PumpDestaillats, HugoEAEI EmittersIain WalkerBTUS Power SourceMaddalena, RandyEAEI AC Line ConditionerMaddalena, RandyEAEI Transistorized Power SupplyMaddalena, RandyEAEI AC Power Source 400-5DMaddalena, RandyEAEI BlowerMaddalena, RandyEAEI F101AethalometerSinger, BrettEAEI Power SupplyTherkelsen, PeterBTUS
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 9/15 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 98194/17/15Transfer of ownership for existing radiation authorization when PI retires M. Foure/ R. Scholtz Determining if HR exit checkout sheet can be modified to account for change in ownership /31/15Ensure all glove boxes are NRTL approved or EEIP inspected. R. ScholtzSelf-assessment action item 98828/31/15Ensure all glove boxes have hazard and e-power information affixed. R. ScholtzSelf-assessment action item
Audits and Inspection Status- 9/15 TypeDateLeadStatus Quarterly SAA Inspections TBDR. ScholtzWill be scheduled for the end of October Fire Marshal Inspection- Building 51F 10/8/15S. SynarskiInspection scheduled. Areas being organized.
Significant Safety Achievements- 9/15 Two new Work Activities were developed in Activity Manager: –EE-0152 (Level 2)- Pretreatment of Nafion Membranes in –EE-0154 (Level 3)- MOS Laser in The old chemical clean-out in has been completed. The Glove Box Self Assessment project has been completed and the final report submitted. Two CATS requests were issued to address findings. The 2016 Self Assessment Plan has been prepared and is being reviewed prior to approvals. The Chemical Spill Preparedness Self Assessment project report has been prepared and is being reviewed prior to approvals. The door hazard placards were updated for all ETA technical areas in all buildings. The updates reflect changes in divisions, Work Activity information, changes in Area Safety Leads, and standardization in format. A “Lessons Learned” was submitted and approved regarding the misidentified container discovered during a hood clean-out. An old chemical clean-out was completed in B51F-102.
Short Term Safety Outlook 10/15 Complete the final 5 Work Activities pending in EHS collaboration. These are for B33 JCESR. Submit the Lab Area Chemical Spill Preparedness Self- Assessment project final report. Submit the ETA Self Assessment Plan for FY2016. Continue to address ETA equipment on the electrical equipment “fail” list Complete the set-up for new lab areas B33 JCESR, and B60 air conditioning test chambers. Complete CATS items identified from glove box self-assessment project. Develop standardized spill clean-up kits for ETA lab areas. Conduct the quarterly SAA hazardous waste inspections of ETA lab areas.