Theme of Vehicles / Transportation (and some other stuff)
Key Vocabulary 辆 -liang4 - MW for Vehicles 坐 -zuo4 - Sit or ride in a vehicle 自行车 -zi4xing2che1 - Bike 汽车 -qi4che1 - Car 公共汽车 -gong1gong4qi4che1 - Public Bus 火车 -huo3che1 - Train 校车 -xiao4che1 - School Bus 摩托车 -mo2tuo1che1 - Motorcycle 开车 -kai1che1 - Drive a vehicle 走路 -zou3lu4 - Walk 送 -song4 - take 。。。 To 小心 -xiao3xin1 - be Careful 住在 -zhu4zai4 - Live in 厕所 -ce4suo3 - Bathroom 快 -kuai4 - Fast 慢 -man4 - Slow Vehicle 站 -___zhan4 - Vehicle station (火车站- train station )
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Key Key Structures Person 怎么去 Somewhere 中文怎么说 English Word Person 住在什么地方 Person 在哪里 Verb
Key Skills Read transportation signs Say how you get somewhere Identify main methods of transportation Ask how to write/say something in Chinese
Verbs for Vehicles You use specific verbs for different vehicles Riding, NOT DRIVING, in anything motorized uses the verb 坐 Driving, NOT RIDING, a motorized vehicle will use the verb phrase 开车 Riding OR driving a non-motorized vehicle uses the verb 骑
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Key Key Structure 1 Person 怎么去 Place - How its used : Used to ask a person how they get to a certain place, for example, if you wanted to know someone gets to school, you would ask: 你 ( Person )怎么去( How you get to )学校 ( School ) More Examples : 你怎么去你的家? 他怎么去菜市场? How to answer 我 Verb Vehicle 去 Place
Street Signs
Key Key Structure 2 中文怎么说 Word - How it is used: Used to ask someone how to say an English word in Chinese. For example, if you want to know how to say car you would say: 中文( Chinese )怎么( How ) 说( Say ) Car ? More Examples 中文怎么说 Book ? 中文怎么说 China ?
How do you get to school ? How someone else you know gets somewhere ?
Key Key Structure 3 Person 住在什么地方 - How to use Used to ask where someone lives at the current time. Example :你( you )住在( live )什么 ( what )地方( place )? More Examples : 他住在什么地方? 你们住在什么地方? How to answer 我( I )住在( live )中国( china )〈-- can be changed to any place
What is this ?
Key Key Structure 4 Person 在哪里 Verb - How to use : This key structure is used to ask someone where they do something (go to school, go to work, live…) Example: 你( you )在哪里( where ) 上班( work ) More Examples 你在哪里上学? 你在哪里买菜? How to answer : 我( I )在( at )钻石中学( Diamond Middle School )上学( study/go to school )
How do you say _____?