Briefing on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination (MATOC) Program Presentation to the Transportation Planning Board Buddy Ey MATOC Facilitator December 16, 2009 Item 13
2 Progress Report on Program Objectives Objectives: √Provide quick and reliable exchange of transportation system information among operating agencies Direct communications with TOC personnel for all regional incidents √Provide situational awareness for regional transportation operations Situational Awareness messages to stakeholders Situational Awareness messages to transit and commuter services √Provide reliable information that enables the public to make timely and effective travel decisions Comprehensive use of regional Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Media access to RITIS √Develop the tools and processes needed to facilitate regional coordinated operating agencies response Regional SOPs being developed QA process for regional incidents
3 MATOC has established its permanent location at the Capital Wireless Information Net (CapWIN) offices in Greenbelt Second staff person has been hired to assist with and enhance monitoring and notification activities Regional coordination and notification activities continue Efforts to enhance real-time public information utilizing the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) will continue MATOC has tracked and made notifications on approximately 40 regional incidents since the September TPB meeting Major Activities to Report
Example of MATOC Involvement in Regional Coordination: VA Incident MATOC focus area: interagency notifications and cooperative action during incidents Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7AM, IL 95/495 at Telegraph Rd in Fairfax County Multi vehicle accident involving tractor trailer, all lanes blocked VDOT made immediate notifications –WAWAS –VDOT Safety Service Patrol (SSP) –MD SHA (CHART) »10 message signs posted »Emergency Response Technician (ERT) - 1 st on scene MD ERT, VDOT SSP and VSP cleared all vehicles within 30 minutes Quick “regional” response greatly minimized congestion and the potential for “ripple effect” incidents MATOC notified DDOT, WMATA, WWB, MD and VA transit/commuter 4
Example of MATOC Involvement in Regional Coordination: MD Incident MATOC focus area: ongoing interagency preparatory discussions to improve readiness for incidents Tuesday, October 27 at 2:30 PM, IL 495 between I-270 Spur and Old Georgetown Rd in Montgomery County Accident involving jack knifed tractor trailer, All lanes initially blocked CHART made immediate notifications –CHART Emergency Response Technician (ERT) –MATOC (who agreed to notify VDOT) »Message signs posted IL I-495 before GW Parkway & IL I-495 in Tyson’s(both moved for regional efficiency), EB and WB I-66 prior to I-495, SB and NB I-95 at the Springfield interchange »VA 511 messages CHART and other responders remedied situation quickly Accurate and timely information to travelers, especially those originating in Virginia MATOC notified DDOT, WMATA, WWB, MD and VA transit/commuter 5
6 Original federal grant provides funding through June 30, 2010 An estimated $1.2 million per year is needed to sustain the program thereafter MATOC Steering Committee is actively working to identify stable sources of funding to continue MATOC after the federal earmark ends –Anticipating strong support in new federal authorization for these types of programs, but also looking at potential near-term funding sources –UPWP funding to support some MATOC expenses that are eligible as planning activities (subject to TPB’s UPWP action earlier today) Sustained funding beyond June 30, 2010 will ensure that successful MATOC functions are maintained and enhanced Funding