and the people who live there A very brief history of IRAQ, and the people who live there
Before World War I After World War I Iraq was under the control of the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). After World War I The British help create what is now Iraq, lumping together the Sunni, Shia and Kurdish people. The British install King Faisal to rule.
1934 World War II Oil is first exported from Iraq. The Iraqi people are split – some side with the Germans, some with the British.
After World War II For about 20 years after World War II, Iraq was very unstable. Leaders were assassinated Alliances with other countries were formed and broken Thousands of civilians were killed There were many conflicting political parties
1979 Saddam in Control 1980 - 1988 Iran-Iraq War He had been vice-president. When the president, Al-Bakr, resigned, Saddam takes control and immediately executes about 20 political rivals and enemies. 1980 - 1988 Iran-Iraq War Saddam wanted to capture some disputed territory and oil fields The US sided with Iraq! The Iran-Iraq war ends in stalemate; an estimated 1 million soldiers are killed in eight years of fighting.
1990 Iraq Invades Kuwait Saddam wants to increase his territory and claim Kuwait’s oil resources. Iraq invades Kuwait and is condemned by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 660, which calls for the full withdrawal. Kuwaiti citizens are killed and tortured by Saddam’s army. Kuwaiti property is confiscated or destroyed. UNSC Resolution 678 authorizes the states cooperating with Kuwait to use "all necessary means" to uphold UNSC Resolution 660; UN orders Iraqi withdrawal by January 15, 1991.
1991 The Gulf War January: The Gulf War starts with coalition forces begin aerial bombing of Iraq, "Operation Desert Storm". February: Kuwait is freed from the Iraqi army March: Iraq accepts the terms of a ceasefire. The primary ceasefire resolution is UNSCR 687 (April 3) requiring Iraq to end its weapons of mass destruction programs, recognize Kuwait, account for missing Kuwaitis, return Kuwaiti property and end support for international terrorism. Iraq is required to end repression of its people.
Who lives in Iraq?
Religious Differences Mohammed (“The Praised”) 570 – 632 AD
Who leads after Mohammed dies? …OR FAMILY? FRIENDS… SHIA “Follower of Ali” The leaders of Islam, called IMAMS, should be from the Prophet’s family, or appointed by Allah SUNNI “One who follows the tradition of the Prophet” Elect the leaders of Islam, called CALIPHS
Ethnic Differences ARABS & KURDS
Life under Saddam Hussein THE SUNNI
Life under Saddam Hussein THE SHIA
Life under Saddam Hussein THE KURDS
The New Iraq