October 25, 2015 Funding Your Program October 20, 2008 ATSSA Sign Maintenance and Management Workshop Addison, Texas
October 25, 2015 Federal Ruling for Minimum Reflectivity of Traffic Signing Grier Kirkpatrick
October 25, 2015 Retro Rule Compliance Dates From “Effective” Date of Final Rule (January 22, 2008): Establish and implement method(s) –4 yrs (January, 2012) Replace identified regulatory, warning, ground- mounted guide signs (except street-name) –7 yrs (January, 2015) Replace identified street name & overhead guide signs –10 yrs (January, 2018)
October 25, 2015 Two Different Needs 1.Development of an Assessment/Management method or program to meet Rule requirements 2.Replacing signs to meet Rule requirements
October 25, 2015 Federal Funding Programs National Highway System Interstate Maintenance Surface Transportation Program Highway Safety Improvement Program High Risk Rural Roads Program Federal Lands Highway Program State and Community Highway Safety Grant Program (Section 402) State Planning and Research Funds
October 25, 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Program Purpose: Establish policy for the development of a Comprehensive Highway Safety Program in each state “Core” Safety Funding Program
October 25, 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Program Data Driven – Strategic Highway Safety Plan Policy Goals: 1.Reduce the number of crashes 2.Reduce the severity of crashes 3.Reduce the potential for crashes
October 25, 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Program Process: Collect data Analyze and prioritize Implement strategies Evaluate strategies Report on effectiveness Process shall be developed cooperatively with Local Government
October 25, 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Program Demonstrated Need Safety Benefit Supported by data All public roads are eligible – not just National Highway System roads Work within your State
October 25, 2015 High Risk Rural Roads Program Eligibility: Rural Collectors (major or minor) Local roads Crash Rates higher than State average –Fatal –Incapacitating injury $90 Million per year
October 25, 2015 Federal Lands Highway Program Can be used for stand- alone safety improvements Federal Lands Tribal governments
October 25, 2015 Section 402 Funds State and Community Highway Safety grant program through your State Highway Safety office Purpose: Reduce Crashes and Resulting Deaths Reduce Injuries Reduce property damage Support National Safety Goals
October 25, 2015 Funding In A “Nutshell” Sign Replacement as a part of a project funded by National Highway System funds State Transportation Program funds Interstate Maintenance Funds Highway Safety Improvement Program funds High Risk Rural Roads Program funds Sign Management Programs State Planning and Research funds Section 402 funds HSIP funds may be eligible if supported by data and incorporated within State Highway Safety Plan
October 25, 2015 Partnerships and Priorities State DOT FHWA Division Office State Highway Safety Office MPO Other organizations
October 25, 2015 Additional Info FHWA Office of Safety: SAFETEA-LU Info: State Highway Safety Plans (NHTSA): eb/pages/SafetyPlans.htm eb/pages/SafetyPlans.htm