Distributed Software Development
QR Marks The Spot Beta Prototype Vadym Khatsanovskyy, Nicolas Jacquemoud
Member Total R.Š. 120,6 R.B. 151,8 M.B. 170,8 N.J. 127,8 V.K. 97,8 S.R. 66 A.B. 64,7 Total 799,2 Project schedule (1) Current state: Invested hours: General Project StatusFulfillment of Next Milestone on track W44W45 W46 22,817,3 10,3 14,817 11,3 18,316,3 10,3 11,326,3 15,3 4,327,3 5,3 5,812 5,3 5, ,8128,8 62,8 Project schedule (1) Current Planned Cost Current Actual Cost Current Planned Cost 29970$ 37000$
Project schedule (2) Results: –Components implemented Database + Hibernate (MySQL) Web services (Java) Web site (HTML + PHP) –Integration –Funcionalities enabled Sign up, Sign in / out Create a game, play a game, update a Game, Communication between users
Change since last prototype Functional since last version Create a Game with both Race and Treasure Hunt types Communication part (receive, send messages, leave comments) Game update site to work for both treasure hunt and race games Mygames page now opens the game update page when a played game is selected
Change since last prototype Unfunctional since last version Possibility to invite a player in the game User Upload picture
Experiences (1) The Negative experiences we had: –Problems: Google Map API implementation WSC-WS Integration Integration via MSN Lack of technical skills –Risks Too little time
Experiences (2) Correction of Negative experiences: –Solutions: Learn on the working method Individual preparation of integration Reduce of time, improvment of efficiency but even, if integration is finished week before presentation... problems will appear day before it (presentation)
Demonstration Web site /
Future plans Continue Working: –Meet Final Requirements: Enable and/or correct functional parts of game playing, updating, communication Test on forms and add differents new functionalities (e.g: upload picture, save generated QR code as pdf file,…) Fill up the website with final content in each page –Redaction of documentation for each part
The End Any questions?
Failsafe A ScreenShots
Creating Treasure Hunt Game
Game Information
QR code generated
Joining the game
Updating the game
Creating Race Game
Game details
Adding locations
QR code generation
Sending message to Bob
And when Bob login
...he can find new message
...read it
...and reply
...we got message back from Bob
...deleting old mails
...adding comments to the game
...now everyone can read it
...this game has a lot of comments