Deutsche Sehenswurdigkeiten
8 – Die Wartburg The Wartburg is a castle situated on a 1230-foot precipice to the southwest of, and overlooking the town of Eisenach. In 1999 UNESCO added Wartburg to the World Heritage List. Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German – the first translation into a modern language
9 – Checkpoint Charlie Best-known Berlin Wall crossing point – between East and West Berlin during the Cold War Name given by the Western Allies After the reunification, the building at Checkpoint Charlie became a tourist attraction.
9. Nov 1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall
10 – Trier Trier is the oldest city in Germany – founded in or before 16 BCE. It lies in a valley on the banks of the Moselle River between low vine-covered hills of ruddy sandstone in the west of the state of Rheinland-Pfalz.
Porta Nigra – Roman city gate
Kurfürstliches Palais