DOWN TO THE BARE METAL: USING PROCESSOR FEATURES FOR BINARY ANALYSIS Carsten Willems 1, Ralf Hund 1, Andreas Fobian 1, Thorsten Holz 1, Amit Vasudevan 2 1 Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany 2 Carnegie Mellon University Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2012 左昌國 2013/02/25 ADLab, NCU-CSIE
Introduction Software Emulators Delusion Attacks Binary Analysis with Branch Tracing Experiments Limitations Conclusion Outline 2
Binary(malware or vulnerable software) analysis Static Dynamic Number of execution paths (on behavior analysis) Every Instruction or Critical Point Native Machine or Emulation/Virtualization Introduction 3
Native Machine The analysis result must be unaffected by malicious code Reverting to clean states Lack of monitoring abilities Emulator Artificial environment detection Delusion attacks No explicit test Introduction 4
Contributions: Introducing several delusion attacks An approach to perform behavior analysis Branch tracing feature of x86 CPU Implementing a prototype that shows the usefulness of this approach Introduction 5
BOCHS QEMU Dynamic Translation Guest code block (before branch) intermediate code optimization translated to host instruction code block (Translation Block) saving TBs in code cache Isolated Memory BitBlaze and Anubis Taint Propagation Tracking Software Emulators 6
Current emulator detection techniques consist of 2 steps: (1) Probing the existence of a non-native system environment (2) Depending on the outcome of (1), different actions are performed These techniques are easy to spot and mitigate Powerful analysis methods like multi-path execution This paper proposes detection methods that have no explicit check and do not have conditional branch Delusion Attacks - Motivation 7
Self-Modifying Code (SMC) On a native system, handling SMC correctly is sophisticated Instruction prefetch Multi-processor environment Modern CPUs can handle these problems correctly In an emulator, the CPU facilities for SMC detection cannot be utilized Implemented in software Preparing a list of addresses of instructions huge overhead Most emulators (like QEMU) use page fault handling for SMC detection All executable memory pages are set read-only If (memory write on executable memory), page fault handler triggered (In the handler) If the target memory should be writable (writable in guest OS), 1.Memory protection is modified to writable 2.The memory write instruction is executed again 3.Memory protection is changed to read-only Delusion Attacks – Basic Principle 8
rep movs instruction Copying a number of bytes, words, or double words within an implicit loop esi : source memory location edi : destination location ecx : loop counter, -1 for each loop, 0 for stopping loop On a real machine, the copy loop is atomically In an emulator, if the destination is a code address, The first loop iteration triggers the page fault handler Making it writable, re-executing the write operation, and making it read-only The instruction is re-read from memory (second loop iteration) … Delusion Attacks – REP MOVS 9
10 lea eax, BENIGNCODE lea ebx, MALICIOUSCODE lea esi, NEW lea edi, OLD mov ecx, 2 OLD+0x0: rep movsd OLD+0x2: nop OLD+0x3: nop OLD+0x4: call eax //BENIGNCODE OLD+0x6: nop OLD+0x7: nop OLD+0x0: rep movsd OLD+0x2: nop OLD+0x3: nop OLD+0x4: call eax //BENIGNCODE OLD+0x6: nop OLD+0x7: nop ret NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop ecx = 2 NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop ecx = 1 eip = OLD+0x0 NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop ecx = 0 eip = OLD+0x2 On a real machine Double word
Delusion Attacks – REP MOVS 11 lea eax, BENIGNCODE lea ebx, MALICIOUSCODE lea esi, NEW lea edi, OLD mov ecx, 2 OLD+0x0: rep movsd OLD+0x2: nop OLD+0x3: nop OLD+0x4: call eax //BENIGNCODE OLD+0x6: nop OLD+0x7: nop OLD+0x0: rep movsd OLD+0x2: nop OLD+0x3: nop OLD+0x4: call eax //BENIGNCODE OLD+0x6: nop OLD+0x7: nop ret NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop ecx = 2 NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop NEW+0x0: nop NEW+0x1: nop NEW+0x2: nop NEW+0x3: nop ecx = 1 eip = OLD+0x0 NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop NEW+0x4: call ebx//MALICIOUSCODE NEW+0x6: nop NEW+0x7: nop ecx = 1 eip = OLD+0x1 In QEMU Double word read-only page fault writable read-only page fault writable read-only re-read the instruction from memory re-read the instruction from memory
Many kinds of caches are available on a contemporary system In an emulator, there is no explicit cache support, and all cache-related instructions have no effect On a real machine The modification in cache will not be written back to memory immediately On an emulated machine The modification is written directly to RAM Delusion Attacks - INVD 12
Delusion Attacks - INVD 13 lea eax, BENIGNCODE lea ebx, MALICIOUSCODE lea esi, A inc esi wbinvd mov byte ptr [esi], 0xD0 invd A: call ebx// FF D3 = call ebx // FF D0 = call eax esi = A+0x0 esi = A+0x1 On a real machine The modification is done in cache, not yet writing back to memory The modification is done in cache, not yet writing back to memory The cache is now invalidated MALICIOUSCODE
Delusion Attacks - INVD 14 lea eax, BENIGNCODE lea ebx, MALICIOUSCODE lea esi, A inc esi wbinvd mov byte ptr [esi], 0xD0 invd A: call ebx// FF D3 = call ebx // FF D0 = call eax esi = A+0x0 esi = A+0x1 In QEMU call eax The modification is directly written to memory The modification is directly written to memory MALICIOUSCODE BENIGNCODE
Delusion Attacks - LEAVE 15 mov esp, ebp pop ebp leave
On x86/64 architectures from Intel and AMD, the branch tracing (BT) facilities can record all pairs of the source address and the destination address of branch operations The information can be used to reconstruct the execution/decision path taken during execution Binary Analysis with Branch Tracing 16
“Fuzzing” which produces a large number of crash reports is a kind of automated vulnerability analysis Binning: a technique to group similar root causes in the crash reports This technique can also be used to group a set of exploits by the categories of exploited vulnerability By comparing with the control path generated from BT log, it is easy to realize binning Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 17
CWXDetector A tool that is capable of detecting exploitation attempts and extracting shellcode It does not become active before the execution of the first shellcode instruction no information can be gained about the cause vulnerability By combining BT with CWXDetector, it is useful to trace back from the execution of the first shellcode instruction to the root cause of vulnerability The experiment 4,869 malicious PDF documents Each file exploits some kind of vulnerability in Acrobat Reader 9.00 Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 18
Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 19
Normalization Because of ASLR, the branch addresses are recorded in the form of relative addresses Collapsing loops Removing internal exception handling of the Windows system Ignoring the shellcode part Clustering algorithm DBSCAN Jaro-Winkler distance Measure the difference between two strings Similar string higher score Similar prefix higher score Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 20
Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 21 k: minimum cluster size ε: maximum distance of two objects to belong to the same cluster
Comparing with Wepawet 5 different vulnerability signatures (only addressing exploits of Acrobat Reader 9.00) A small number of samples not detected to have exploits to Acrobat Reader 9.00 manually verified wepawet is wrong Some samples are labeled incorrectly manually verified wepawet is wrong Performance Time from opening the documents to the execution of shellcode Min: 11s (2s w/o BT) Max: 406s (117s w/o BT) Avg: 129s (11s w/o BT) Experiments 1: Binning of Malicious PDF Documents 22
Experiment 2: Enriching BT Logs 23
See T.R. Appendix B This sample in Anubis behaved normally Experiment 3: Practical Delusion Attack with a PDF File 24
The data from BT logs is coarse The prototype could be detected by timing measurements The attacker in ring-0 is capable of disabling the BT Could incorporate with a hardware-assisted hypervisor Limitations 25
Many analysis techniques utilize software emulators. Attackers still have methods to evade the analysis under the emulation environment A new approach for dynamic code analysis that uses CPU-assisted branch tracing offers a granularity between instruction- and function-level monitoring with reasonable overhead Practical results show that the BT traces contain enough information to assist some tasks in malware and vulnerability analysis Conclusion 26