How can I guarantee that I pass this class?
Non-Negotiable Principles 1.Employable behavior 2.Completed Acceptable Assignments 3.Regular on time attendance by 8:05 4.Take written notes and DO NOW EVERYDAY 5.Gmail account 6.Employable behavior
Today’s Assignments 1.Complete Gmail account activation and send an to with your full name and name of this class 2.Open all work created last term and save the file again as a pdf file. Type a 1 or 2 sentence statement explaining the software and skills demonstrated by your project production. 3.Upload all pdf files to your Google drive 4.Read the personal essays sent to your ; use them as examples to create your own personal essay for post secondary consideration (What was the significant event? How did it shape the author?) 5.Find three job listings for a web designer on the Internet; write down the salary being offered and then them to the teacher AIM: How can I guarantee that I pass this class?
Answer the following questions about each job ad you found? What is the name of the company? What is the job title? What are the job requirements? How much money will you earn? Where is the job located?