City Council Ground Transportation Update March 24, 2015
Overhead Diagram Ground Transportation System
Curbside Operation
GT Staging Overhead Diagram Ground Transportation Logistics
GT Overflow Overhead Diagram Ground Transportation Logistics
Staging Areas Located south of the terminals (2 minute call up)
Signs Posted at the Starter Booths
Card Sample Available at the Information Desks and the Starter Booths
Information Desks Staffed by Airport Operations in both terminals Staff provides airport information and translation services including Language Line
Ground Transportation Starters Coordinating Passengers and Ground Transportation
Customer Service Initiatives Standard Parking now provides ground transportation starters (formally provided by taxi company) Meet and greet customers with a smile Assist passengers with luggage and opening doors Language Line available if needed (250 languages) Advising passengers of the TRAX option Being trained to assist customers with special needs
Preliminary Statistics Ordinances implemented February 17 – 30 days into the change Averaging 640 trips a day 19,200 trips as of today 3 complaints (fare too high).015 percent trip to complaint ratio Customer input reviewed daily by Airport staff and Mayor’s office
Observations by Airport Operations First big conference –Adobe Systems (March 9) with customers. One afternoon rush resulted in a shortage of providers (typical for a large convention). Drivers like the starter system; no queue jumping. Seeing newer vehicles like Tahoes and Suburbans in the queue A few Uber providers have registered. Customer can request a different provider Drivers realize that it’s “three and out” and return to the end of the queue. Have not seen “surge” pricing abused at the Airport