W Title of Presentation NT Board of Studies Australian Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluating Key Findings Effectiveness of the Curriculum Implementation of the Curriculum
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The feedback About the whole of the AC Relationship between the parts Primary Perspectives Catering for Diversity About the parts of the AC Learning Areas General Capabilities Cross-curriculum Priorities About Implementatio n Sources & modes of access Extent of implementation Familiarisation activities Nature of support materials
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Process 15 May – 13 June, 2014 Face-to-Face Workshops AC Feedback Team Catholic, Christian, Independent & Govt. Schools Interviews & Video Conferencing Primary & Secondary School based & office based Online Survey Northern & Southern Regions 95 participants Cross Sector Working Group
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Participants 95 Participants (3%) 57 School based 33 Office based 5 ‘Other’ 13 Alice Springs 3 Arnhem 53 Darwin 15 Katherine 8 Palmerston 3 Rural 20 Catholic 1 Christian 71 Government 2 Independent 1 ‘Other’ 1 Classroom support 60 Teachers 1 Pre-service teacher 22 School leaders
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Findings Positive Consistency of standards Design, structure & layout Rigorous contentOnline flexibility Developmentally appropriate Relationship between the parts Diversity components Most participants contributed from an overwhelming position of support for the Australian Curriculum
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Findings Negative Too many subjectsToo many strands Too many sub strands Elaboration inconsistency Impacts on school structures Impacts on school processes Impacts on school practices Impacts on reporting Time required for EAL/D learners to learn the language & content 74% of the online participants stated they were concerned about the ‘amount’ of curriculum “Content Overload” Most participants expressed concern about the impact of the AC on EAL/D learners
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Suggestions Content Highlight ‘core’ content to allow for deeper inquiry Include of EAL/D descriptors in the body of the curriculum as elaborations Develop common year level achievement standards for learning areas with multiple subjects P – 6 Add entry / exit points in the General Capabilities for those students who do not progress at a ‘typical rate’ Connections Emphasise knowledge and skills tested through national assessment programs Insert integration links across Learning Areas Resources Provide greater range of exemplars and student work samples especially for EAL/D & Disabilities Develop a continuum of big ideas and common skill sets for The Arts, Humanities and Technologies
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Findings In general terms, the Feedback Team noted that the responses received demonstrated genuine commitment to making the Australian Curriculum work for their students and their schools. While the comments and discussions often identified areas for improvement in the curriculum, particularly as relates to implementation, most have contributed from a position of support for the Australian Curriculum. In general terms, the Feedback Team noted that the responses received demonstrated genuine commitment to making the Australian Curriculum work for their students and their schools. While the comments and discussions often identified areas for improvement in the curriculum, particularly as relates to implementation, most have contributed from a position of support for the Australian Curriculum.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Findings Access the AC Most – ACARA / AC Many – DoE & Professional organisations / associations Few – Downloaded or printed documents Implementing Most – Maths, Eng, History, Science Some – Geography Few – HPE, Arts, CCE, Eco & Bus, Tech Professional Growth Most – Curriculum school, class & student levels Many – Assessment design & judgements Many – baseline assessments to monitor progress Concerns Most – Impact of standards based continuum on A – E Scale Most – Volume of content Many – Getting EAD/L students through the curriculum Many – Using the AC with multi-level classes
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Findings Awareness What is it? I am not concerned Information How does it work? I would like to know more about the AC Personal How does the AC impact me? What’s my plan to do it? How does using the AC affect me? Management How can I master the skills and fit it all in? I seem to be spending all of my time getting materials ready Consequence Is this worth it? Is it working? How is my use of the AC affecting students? How can I refine it to have more impact? Collaboration It’s working fine but how do others do it? How can I relate what I am doing to what others are doing? Refocusing Is there anything else that’s better? I have some ideas about something that could work even better? Awareness Task Impact
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Suggestions KeepTryChange Australian Curriculum Feedback - Have Your Say project Online survey mode Demographic questions NTBOS categories for feedback: o Sources / mode for information o Extent of implementation o Professional learning o Support materials A to E data as a source of feedback Separate online survey for primary, middle and senior schools to allow for greater spread of responses Target Senior Staff in schools to lead the collection of feedback at their school (Assistant Principals, Senior Teachers, Highly Accomplished Teachers) An expert consultant working with a cross sector working party, to design feedback instruments and processes, as well as to support the Feedback Team with the analysis and reporting of the feedback data Use 1:1 interview techniques rather than F2F workshops to seek input from selected Principals from across the sectors Data collection could be embedded in school staff meetings / faculty meetings to allow for school wide discussions and a greater number of responses Highlight and report the value of this process to schools. Use recognised survey techniques / structures to allow for feedback items and responses to be easily coded into meaningful categories i.e. Concerns Based Adoption Model: o Stages of Concern Survey o Levels of Use Interview o Other? Move the NT feedback program into Term 1 of each year, to avoid the reporting season and extra-curricular programs that run during Term 2 Analyse system student achievement A-E data