“Give Me the Bible” We often sing it, do we really mean it? Psalm 119:97-105.


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Presentation transcript:

“Give Me the Bible” We often sing it, do we really mean it? Psalm 119:97-105

We sometimes sing it, but... How true to life is it for us? Do we truly desire the Word the way the song demands? Are we really like babes “longing for the pure milk of the Word”? 1Pet.2:2a This longing is required to “grow in respect to salvation”. 1Pet.2:2b Unfortunately, the answer is an disappointing but honest “no”.

Why should “Give Me the Bible” be our attitude and desire? Because of what is accomplished by the Bible and only by the Bible. It only: >Begets, Jas.1:18 and 1Cor.4:15; spiritual birth >Sanctifies, John 17:17; spiritual consecration >Frees, John 8:32; spiritual liberation >Cleanses & Purifies, John 15:3; 1Pet.1:22; spiritual preparation for service >Saves, Jas.1:21; spiritual preservation >Builds Up & Gives Inheritance, Acts 20:32; spiritual edification

Why should “Give Me the Bible” be our attitude and desire? Because of its Source: >God’s words, not man’s, 1Thess.2:13 This means that it is, -inspired, 2Pet.1:20-21; 2Tim.3: infallible, Jas.1:25; Heb.6:18 -indestructible, Matt.24:35; 1Pet.1:25 -the standard of judgment, Rom.2:16; John 12:48

But many seem to say, “Give me the Bible when or if….” “It doesn’t conflict with my feelings or experiences.” Compare what the Bible says about salvation, Matt.28:18-19; Mark 16:15-16; Gal.3:26-27; 1Cor.12:13; John 3:3-5; Acts 22:16; 1Pet.3:21; and Luke 6:46, With what some men say: >saved at faith before & without water baptism. >saved by prayer at altar, cf. Acts 9:11 > 22:16 >saved by God speaking direct from heaven, Heb.1:2; Matt.17:5; 2Pet.1:3; Gal.1:8-9.

But many seem to say, “Give me the Bible when or if….” “It doesn’t conflict with my belief and practice.” Compare what the Bible says about the Church- that there is but One! Eph.4:4; Matt.16;18; Eph.5:23; and Acts 2:47, With what some men say: > “There are many churches; they’re all the Lord’s- take the one of your choice!” > “The church, or membership and participation in it are non-essential; one can be saved and go to heaven without any church.”

But many seem to say, “Give me the Bible when or if….” “It doesn’t conflict with my belief and practice.” Compare what the Bible says regarding worship, Matt.15:7-9; John 4:24; Acts 2:42; Acts 20:7; 1Cor.4:6 & 16:1; Col.3:16; and 2John 9, With what some men say: > “It doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you’re honest and sincere.” > Or, “It doesn’t matter what you do in worship, as long as you intend to praise God.” Really? Someone should have told Jesus! Matt.7:21

Many Brethren also say, “Give me the Bible….” “Regarding the Plan of Salvation and the Work of the Church, but not on living a Christian Life.” -There are “in name only Christians,” Rev.3:1. -And then there are real Christians, Gal.2:20; Titus 2:11-14; Phil.1:21; 2Tim.2:3-5; Col.3:1-3; 2Pet.3:11-13; Gal.5: “When distress, calamity or fear comes, give me the Bible when I’m about to die.” Prov.1:20-31; John 3:36; 2Thess.1:6-9; Heb.3:13-15

Many Brethren also say, “Give me the Bible….” “When I die- preach it at my funeral.” -With but one exception (1Thess.4:15) all will die, Heb.9:27. -It is the time which is uncertain, Jas.4: Preparation for that day is what’s needed, Amos 4:12. -If prepared, there are words of tremendous comfort at death, Rev.14:13; 2Tim.4:6-8; 1Thess.4:13-18; Phil.1:21; Psalm 116:15. -But if unprepared for death, the Bible also has words, John 8:21,24; Heb.10:29-31; Matt.25:41,46.

So…. Do you really want the Bible? or just the flavor of it enough to provide you with some measure of (false) security without really having to do what it says? >Either say it, sing it, and mean it, or reject it and suffer the consequences. >We really can’t have it both ways! “Give Me the Bible!”