World Religions Buddhism Reaching out to a Buddhist friend Reaching out to a Buddhist friend Week 16, 4/27/2011 Week 16, 4/27/2011 Gene Wright, Gene Wright,
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Bodh Gaya is the holiest site in the Buddhist world. It was here the Buddha was enlightened under the bodhi tree. He spent the next seven weeks here before heading off to Sarnath to begin his teaching. One outstanding feature of Bodh Gaya is the famous Mahabodhi ('Great Enlightenment') Temple, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Pilgrims still come from all over to study and meditate
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ A comparison between Buddhism and Christianity A comparison between Buddhism and Christianity Theravada Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Christianity GodNirvana, an abstract void Nirvana, an abstract void, but also an undifferentiated Buddha essence A personal God who is self-existent and changeless HumanityAn impermanent collection of aggregates An impermanent collection of aggregates, but for some, personal existence continues for a while in the Pure Land Made in God’s image. Personal existence has value. Continue to exist after death. Problem?We suffer because we desire that which is temporary, which causes us … …to continue in the illusion of the existence of the individual self. We suffer because of our sin and our separation from God.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ A comparison between Buddhism and Christianity A comparison between Buddhism and Christianity Theravada Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Christianity Solution?To cease all desire in order to realize the non existence of self To become aware of the Buddha nature within To be forgiven by and reconciled to God. Means?Self-reliance. Follow the Middle Path and accrue Karmic merit. Self-reliance. Following the Eightfold Path, to emptying the mind, to accruing merit, to realizing the Buddha within. Reliance on God. John 3:16 Outcome?To enter Nirvana where the ego is extinguished Varies from returning as a bodhisattva to guide others, to entering Nirvana, to living in a Pure Land from which one can enter Nirvana. Our existence survives death and we are fulfilled in eternal fellowship with a loving and personal God.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Things to do when reaching out Things to do when reaching out Acknowledge and affirm common ground Acknowledge and affirm common ground Desire can cause suffering Desire can cause suffering Best to live a moral life Best to live a moral life Compassion is a virtue to be nurtured Compassion is a virtue to be nurtured Focus on the issue of desire Focus on the issue of desire Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”. Right desire. Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”. Right desire. Be open about faith in a personal God Be open about faith in a personal God He loves us. He hears us. He empathizes with our suffering. A void cannot do this. He loves us. He hears us. He empathizes with our suffering. A void cannot do this.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Things to do when reaching out Things to do when reaching out Point to God’s permanence Point to God’s permanence God is changeless. God is faithful. God is changeless. God is faithful. Be clear about sin and opportunity for forgiveness Be clear about sin and opportunity for forgiveness Buddhism views sin as something of ignorance and something we alone must deal with. No vertical dimension. Buddhism views sin as something of ignorance and something we alone must deal with. No vertical dimension. Christianity has a vertical dimension that requires an atonement. God is faithful and will forgive our sins (1 John 1:9) Christianity has a vertical dimension that requires an atonement. God is faithful and will forgive our sins (1 John 1:9)
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Potential hindrances Potential hindrances Totally different worldview Totally different worldview A God with emotions such as Love and Anger may be viewed as negative by a Buddhist A God with emotions such as Love and Anger may be viewed as negative by a Buddhist A Christian hope for eternal life may conflict with Buddhist ideal of reaching Nirvana. A Christian hope for eternal life may conflict with Buddhist ideal of reaching Nirvana. If a Buddhist rejects your message, ask why. If a Buddhist rejects your message, ask why. It might be due to a misunderstanding It might be due to a misunderstanding “Most Buddhists have never heard the Gospel because they have misheard it” “Most Buddhists have never heard the Gospel because they have misheard it”
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Potential objections Potential objections “There are many paths to God” “There are many paths to God” Emphasis implied here is human effort. That is not good news. Emphasis implied here is human effort. That is not good news. Consider using this story: Assume you have broken a friendship because of something you did. How many ways are there to repair it? Consider using this story: Assume you have broken a friendship because of something you did. How many ways are there to repair it? The answer is really only one way, by confessing guilt/responsibility to your friend and requesting your friend’s forgiveness. The answer is really only one way, by confessing guilt/responsibility to your friend and requesting your friend’s forgiveness. In the same way, we have rebelled against God and our salvation depends on being reconciled to God. In the same way, we have rebelled against God and our salvation depends on being reconciled to God.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Potential objections Potential objections “Jesus is not unique” “Jesus is not unique” Jesus might be viewed as a spiritual master on the level with Buddha or as a bodhisattva.. Jesus might be viewed as a spiritual master on the level with Buddha or as a bodhisattva.. Encourage Buddhist friend to read John. Encourage Buddhist friend to read John. Consider the differences as shown on charts on next slides. Consider the differences as shown on charts on next slides.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Buddha and Jesus Buddha and Jesus Theravada Buddhism Christianity Buddha did not claim to have a special relationship with God. Buddha did not even consider the matter of God’s existence to be important, because it did not pertain to issue of how to escape suffering. Jesus did claim to have a special relationship with God. Buddha claimed to point to the way by which we could escape suffering and attain enlightenment. Jesus claimed to be the way by which we could receive salvation and eternal life. Buddha taught the way to eliminate suffering was by eliminating desire. Jesus taught the solution to suffering is not found in eliminating desire but in having the right desire.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Bodhisattvas and Jesus Bodhisattvas and Jesus Mahayana Buddhism Christianity There are many bodhisattvasThere has only been one incarnation of the Son of God. Bodhisattvas are motivated out of a sense of their own compassion for the world. Their compassion, however, is not a reflection of the void’s feelings toward the world. Jesus is the unique demonstration of God’s love for the world. Bodhisattvas view the physical world as an illusion to be escaped. The Bible says Jesus created the universe and that it was declared good. Bodhisattvas had to overcome their sin (attachment to self and ignorance) during the process of going through numerous lifetimes. Jesus was sinless from the very beginning. It did not take a process to make Him sinless.
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ Compared to Hinduism, Buddhism rejects… Authority of the ancient Vedic texts The Vedic caste system The Vedic and Hindu deities The efficacy of Vedic worship and ritual The concept of Brahman More about these starting next week!
World Religions - Buddhism Spring 2011 Crieve Hall church of Christ So, remember let God’s love shine through us to our Buddhist friends and neighbors. So, remember let God’s love shine through us to our Buddhist friends and neighbors. Next week? We begin our study of Hinduism. See you then! Next week? We begin our study of Hinduism. See you then!