SPONGEBOB MEETS POKEMON One day Spongebob wanted to learn how to duel. He asked Ash to play with him. But Ash doesn’t play Yugioh-He only watches animals fight. Spongebob teaches Ash how to & when he’s properly trained-they prepare for a duel. But then-A mighty light emerges from the heavens & out of it comes Yusei. He tells them they have to clash their energies into Z-ONE’s flying wheelchair to destroy Ark cradle.
SPONGEBOB MEETS POKEMON Yusei calls upon the power of the Chrimson Dragon to make a catapault. He uses it to shoot Spongebob & Ash at Z-ONE. But, Z-ONE uses his Time Lords to swat them away. Spongebob: What are we gonna do now?!! Ash: The only thing we can do baby! Yusei: Dance! (cricket cricket cricket) Yusei: Just kidding! Spongebob, you are the king of games & you must face Z-ONE in a Master Duel.
SPONGEBOB MEETS POKEMON So he did-& spongebob killed Z-ONE.THE END ( Spongebob died too) And just When they thought this was the happiest moment ever: Dora came.: “We did it! We did it!” ( Patrick set up Spongebobs’ funeral, but, since he was broke Pratrick had to bury him in his toilet. Squidward didn’t come)
SPONGEBOB MEETS POKEMON The message for you out there that don’t watch Spongebob Squarepants is that Squidward hates Spongebob.( Also playing Yugioh with your friends is awesome !!!!