Welcome to Mexico ¡Bienvenidos a México!
Mexico is a country of mystery, culture, and great beauty. You will be learning more about the people, places, and events that have made Mexico what it is today. Mexico: Land of Mystery and Beauty
What I KnowWhat I Want to Find Out What I Learned KWL Chart Make a copy of the chart on your word processor. Tyoe what you know about Mexico in the first column and what you would like to know in the second. When you are done, save what you have in your Spanish I folder. As you continue on with this assignment, add new information in the What I Learned column.
Objectives: You will learn about... Mexican history: Pre-European, Spanish conquest, colonial, and Modern. Culture: Family life Famous People
How will I be graded? By completing individual assignments in this PowerPoint
English is the main language. We have more than what we need. There are many opportunities. Spanish is the main language. People often go without basic necessities. Opportunities are limited. But what are our similarities? Comparing America to Mexico
Huge countries with many resources Much of their economy depends on tourism The people are hardworking The people love holidays and parties The people want to be understood, cared for, and accepted In other words, we have more in common than we have differences! Our Similarities
Use the following links to get some basic background about Mexico. Add at least two facts that you learn at each website on your KWL
Choose to research one of the following topics: Famous Mexicans Mexican Culture Pre-European Mexico Colonial Mexico Modern Mexico
Use the links on the following page to research famous people.
tcortes.htmlhttp://mexconnect.com/mex_/history/jtuck/j tcortes.html cortes tmlhttp:// tml timeline brief history mexicopeople.html presidents.html op=viewarticle&artid=154 imadero1.html ory/biographies/biojuarez_kids.html
Use the links on the following page to research Mexican culture
ml o&page=html/cinco.htm&direct=nohttp://www2.worldbook.com/features/features.asp?feature=cinc o&page=html/cinco.htm&direct=no cinco de mayo ,00.html mexico.htm
Use the links on the following page to research pre- European Mexico.
o&page=html/cinco.htm&direct=no ,00.htmlhttp:// 6245,00.html timeline timeline general mayan/pyramids general/tourism timeline—Net Trekker
Use the links on the following page to research colonial Mexico.
Use the links on the following page to research modern Mexico.
re=cinco&page=html/cinco.htm&direct=no ce_1810.htm
Create a Power Point presentation with the following: -At least ten slides -Your research topic -A summary of your topic -Several pictures of your topic -Reasons why your topic is important to Mexico -Interesting slides -Citations, good punctuation and grammar (If you do not have Power Point, you can put the same information in your word processor.)