Curriculum Essentials Components of Curriculum
May 20, 2010 Curriculum.... is a working document that identifies: what students need to know, what students need to be able to do, and how students will demonstrate their attainment of goals.
May 20, 2010 Writing Curriculum Who -Teams of subject area teachers One teacher per grade level How - Research, collaborate, and reach consensus When - During summer and/or in service days
May 20, 2010 What determines the curriculum? NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards NHHS-VHS articulation K-8 sending districts articulation Research
May 20, 2010 Components of Curriculum 1. Desired Results BIG IDEAS – Learning Goals Knowledge and Skills Alignment with NJ Core Content Standards 2. Evidence of Understanding Assessment 3. Learning Experiences Lessons Resources and Materials
BTSD & NJ DOE & Curriculum Where We Have Been? & Where We Are Going?
May 20, 2010 Curriculum Development Process The 5 Year Plan
May 20, 2010 BTSD Development of Curriculum Maps K-8 All Subjects Consensus of what teachers teach
May 20, 2010 BTSD Math Initiative New NJ Core Content Clarified Standards January 2008 New Instructional Strategies Lesson Study New Textbooks Adopted Spring 2009
May 20, 2010 BTSD Summer 2009 Curriculum Writing: Language Arts: 6 th & 7 th 2 teachers 60 hours each Incorporated all components Math: K - 8 th 8 teachers 60 hours each Incorporated all components
May 20, 2010 BTSD: & Math Curriculum Curriculum Template - developed Used and updated by teachers Modifications Integration Assessments developed Curriculum evaluation
May 20, 2010 NJ DOE New NJ Core Content Standards Science Social Studies World Languages Visual & Performing Arts Health & P. E. Technology Draft of National Core Content Standards Math Language Arts
May 20, 2010 NJ DOE Recommendations & Develop Template ………………done Gap Analysis …………………….done Outline of Units………………….. beginning Ensure Alignment………………...beginning vertical horizontal Develop……………………………next year Unit Plans Benchmark Assessments
May 20, 2010 NJ DOE Recommendations Focus : Math, Science, Language Arts Development of Unit Plans Benchmark Assessments Recommended Curriculum Adoptions September 1, 2011
May 20, 2010 NJ DOE Recommendations Focus : Social Studies, Visual & Performing Arts, Health and P.E., Technology, World Languages Development of Unit Plans Benchmark Assessments Recommended Curriculum Adoptions September 1, 2012
May 20, 2010 All Subjects K-8: Team meetings 1-2 times per week ½ day in Services October 30 November 18 April 23 Template Alignment with New Standards Gap Analysis Unit Development BTSD:
May 20, 2010 BTSD Curriculum Template Bethlehem Township School District Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Plan Subject: Grade Unit: Time allotment: Understandings of the Unit Essential Questions Alignment to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Knowledge and Skills Needed to Show Understanding Knowledge Skills Evidence of Understanding Materials and Resources
May 20, 2010 Sample Standard: Science 5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. By the end of grade Content StatementCumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 2The Sun warms the land, air, and water C.1 4Heat (thermal energy), electricity, light, and sound are forms of energy C.1
May 20, 2010 Curriculum Alignment HORIZONTALLY: Standards addressed across the year by grade level VERTICALLY: Standard addressed through the years at grade levels
May 20, 2010 Sample Gap Analysis MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarch Standard5.1 A, C, D5.4 F5. 2 A, B, C, D Topicenvironmenthereditymotion & kinetics Science Missing: 5.1 B, E & 5.3 all & 5.4 A-E
May 20, 2010 Unit Development Unit Title: Goal(s)/Big Ideas: Learning Experiences: Engagement; Exploration; Closure Assessment: How will you know students have learned the lesson? Materials & Resources
May 20, 2010 BTSD: Curriculum Math Science Language Arts Social Studies Spanish Music Art Health P.E. Technology
May 20, 2010 Questions? Contact: Jane F. Smith (908) ext (908) ext. 2727