CLIC CES Meeting 14 jan 2009 A resume table for fire safety in LHC, and a possible scheme for other machine – part 1 CERN –SC Fabio Corsanego
From past meeting of 12 Nov 2008 : Proposed Structure for Fire Safety Report INTRODUCTIVE NOTES Reference Codes for Fire Prevention Description of the facility from the fire Safety Point of View DESIGN CONDITIONS: Characteristics of the Occupants Ability and Resources of the Fire Service Special Hazards in case of Fire, and Emergency Plan Fire Load MEASURES TO PREVENT THE INSURGENCY OF A FIRE Properties of the Combustible Materials Protection against Electric Faults Lightning Protection Worksite Organization (fire permits etc, work coordination)
ESCAPE IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE Escape Strategy Type of Stairways and Access Ways Internal evacuation pathways Travel Distance to Reach an Exit Doors Access Control Locking Guidance Signs for escape Emergency Lighting Evacuation Alarm Communication Devices PROTECTION AGAINST THE SPREAD OF FIRE BETWEEN COMPARTMENTS Subdivision into Fire Compartments Fire Resistance Class of Structural and Non-structural Elements Separating the Fire Compartments: Technical rooms on surface
FACILITIES FOR FIREFIGHT: Access routes for the rescue service: Fire gas ventilation; Equipment for Manual Fire Fighting: Communication Systems; HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC), and SMOKE EXTRACTION General aspects common to the whole facility Commands (stop and activation) for the ventilation and smoke extraction system Fire protection construction of plant rooms and shafts Protected Access Shaft TUNNEL and Transfer line VENTILATION Exepriment Hall Ventilation and Smoke Extraction
FIRE PROTECTION INSTALLATIONS Automatic fire detection Evacuation alarm system Automatic Fire suppression Systems
CERN-LHC- Underground CERN LHC Surface Blds …… Reference codes no specific constr. code Cern can negotiate internally safety criteria and its application swiss and french codes Description from fire point of view Depth =100m Length =27.5 km 6 large halls of 10 to m3 Industrial services halls, spread on the surface Introductive notes
CERN-LHC-UndergroundCERN LHC Surface Blds…… Occupants:Trained employees and collaborators (visitors w. restrictions) Same, with basic training Ability and resources of fire services Internal professional fire brigade ( ~2 immediate teams + delayed on call) Other hazards than heat and smoke in case of fire Long ways, Energy stored in magnets, condensers cryo fluids, pressure buildup, flammable, inert gases, irradiation, contamination Cryo and flammable fluids, condensers, contamination, irradiation, inert gases Emergency planIntervention Scaling up agreements via swiss and france firefighers same Fire loadLow in standard tunnels, mild in power stations, large in experiments halls Mild as average, locally high due to oils and flammable gases Design Conditions
CERN-LHC-UndergroundCERN LHC Surface Blds …… Properties of combustible materials Most cables and plastic are fire retardants low smoke- derogations same Protection against electric faults Standard electric rules- ad hoc solution for physics equipment Standard electric rules Lightning protection nayes Worksite organization Fire permits, work coordination, etc same Measures to prevent the insurgency of a fire
CERN-LHC-UndergroundCERN LHC Surface Blds…… Escape strategyOccupants shall self rescue as rescue teams have long access time Same Type of stairways and access ways Vertical paths (Stairs and lifts are smoke tight, fire resistant, free of combustibles and pressurized) horizontal paths are exposed to smoke and fire Vertical paths are Smoke tight for multi floors buildings. Horizontal paths are exposed to smoke and fire Travel distance to reach an exit 3 km for tunnels; few tens of meters for halls m to reach a different compartments with blind corridor <15m DoorsSector doors are flat steel. Doors between experiment and caverns, and vertical ways are fire rated 2 hr Fire doors are in most cases no more than 15 minutes Access Control Locking Yes. Forcible for evac w. interlock. In a few cases (CNGS) radioprotection inhibited usability of exits Same Escape in the event of a fire
CERN-LHC-UndergroundCERN LHC Surface Blds…… Guidance signs for escape Fluorescent panels every 30 mFluorescent panels Emergency lighting emergency network. Tunnels have light every 30 m. Halls have lights spread as needed same Evacuation Alarm Yes. Activated manually or remotely by control room Communication devices Phones. Secured point to point (red) phones. Mobile phone network. Radio FM repeaters for Fire brigade Experiment may implement public address systems Escape in the event of a fire (continued) T.B. Continued with remaining chapters as described in last CES meeting.