+ Lesson 1 – Fall of the Spanish Monarchy Essential Question Why did King Alfonso XIII abdicate in 1931? Learning Outcomes: Students will Preview – History of Spain Learn about problems facing Spain at the beginning of the 20 th Century Learn about the De Rivera Dictatorship Success Criteria I can predict the issues which will lead to the Spanish Civil War
+ Preview What do you know about the history of Spain before the 20 th Century?
+ Vocab Constitutional Monarchy Tragic Week Cortes Primo De Rivera
+ Spanish Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy under King Alfonso XIII Spain is polarized between rich and poor Rich – Army, Church, Landowners Poor – Mass of peasants and urban workers 1909 – Tragic Week – in Barcelona, a protest for a reservist soldier getting called to Morocco resulted in a mass protest, leading to the torching of many religious schools, churches by the working class Spain once had a great empire which was not in great decline 1898 – Spanish-American War resulted in losing last overseas colonies in the Philippines and Cuba) 1921 – troops sent to put down a rebellion in Morocco, which were soundly defeated, emphasizing the corruption and incompetence of the king What problems are facing Spain?
+ De Rivera Gov’t Cortes (Parliament) ordered an investigation into army corruption Sept 13, 1923 – in response, led by General Primo De Rivera, the army led a coup against the gov’t King Alfonso sided with the army and named De Rivera Prime Minister De Rivera creates a dictatorship Ruled with the support of the Army and Church Dissolves parliament and declares martial law, Introduced censorship Imprisoned critics and banned political parties Banned Catalan language Presented politicians as weak and unpatriotic while the country should be proud of the army
+ De Rivera Gov’t Initiated policies to help the poor and modernize Spain Introduced public works programs Built roads, dams for hydro-electricity Followed Mussolini’s model of a Corporate State, but this resulted in labour gaining more influence Increased taxes paid by the rich Borrowed money to pay for programs Policies fail Inflation ended up hurting the poor more resulting in further disparity His biggest supporters (Army and Church) are reactionary and do not support reform Would not take on Spain’s biggest need (Agrarian Reform) A New Motto for Spain. King Alfonso. "So you want to start these reforms at once; not put them off till to-morrow, which is supposed to be our Spanish way with everything?" President of the Directory. "Yes, Sire, we have no mananas to-day." (cartoon showing King Alfono XIII of Spain holding a Directory of Reforms during the InterWar era)
+ Fall of De Rivera and the Monarchy Loses the support of the Army Never supported his seizure to begin Injected politics into army promotions Loses support of the King Did not solve the country’s problems, especially with the beginning of the depression Student protest against the dictatorship and the King for supporting it Jan 1930 – De Rivera resigns and the King appoints a new General to govern People believe the monarch is discredited because it supported the dictatorship April ‘31 – Army General informs the King that he does not have the support of the army 14 April 1931 – King Alfonso abdicates Have the problems facing Spain when De Rivera took over been fixed? What issues do you think the upcoming civil war in 1936 will revolve around?