Year 4 St Thomas’s Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2 Science L C Why is the music made by ‘one Direction’ enjoyed by so many? Who is a bright spark?How would you survive without water? Are you brave enough to swim with sharks? Which plants and animals thrive in Bury? History/ Geography LC Why is Manchester such a cool place to live? GEOGRAPHY Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? HISTORY Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? HISTORY What would you find if you went to Rome today? GEOGRAPHY How can we rediscover the wonders of ancient Egypt? HISTORY Where would you build a town or city GEOGRAPHY English Hagstone- Historical texts Non chronological report. Dragon Poems Firework Poems Explanation texts (Unitl I met Dudley/Shirt machine) Scary stories Ice Palace- fantasy/quest stories. The lost happy endings- Carol Ann Duffy Playscripts Stories from other cultures –Carpet of dreams / Toki Issues and Dilemmas- Diary of a killer cat Ivan the Terrible Red eyes at night. Instructions- How to mummify a pharaoh. Newspapers: Tuesday by David Weisner Egypt-The cat mummy by Jacqueline Wilson Persuasion/Debate- Zoo’s for and against. Creative and Expressive Arts Which famous artists live near here? Manchester music Would people send our greetings cards? (Printing/Christmas cards) How can we catch a thief? How can we improve school with mosaics? How do tiles stay on a roof? Making pizza. How will we take our pizza home? Museum exhibits How can we change the colour of fabric? Bringing drawings to life. Will our bag for life last that long?
Year 4 St Thomas’s Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2 Numeracy -Place value including decimals. -Written addition/subtraction (problems and inverse) -2D shape - Time -Mental multiplication (6x, 9x) -Mental division -Written multiplication -Length including perimeter -Statistics -Place value -Roman numerals -Counting (incl. negative numbers) -Fractions -Decimals -Division -Position and direction -Area Multiplication: statistics, measures and money -Mental multiplication (7x, 11x) -Written division -Place value -Written multiplication -2D shape and position -Addition and subtraction -Counting and sequences -Fractions and decimals (measures) -Written division -Measures, volume, capacity and mass -Position and area Multiplication facts (up to 12x) -Place value -Statistics -Addition and subtraction -Multiplication and division -Shape Computing Text and Multimedia Visual Media Electronic Communication Sorting and Searching Information Electronic Communication Visual Media Electronic Communication (Class blog) Giving Instructions and Making Things Happen. Electronic Communication Text and Multimedia RE Jesus the man Hindusim Christmas The meaning of signs and symbols Hinduism: God and worship in the home Easter Hinduism: Belief and practice Music Violins Singing practice Violins Singing practice Violins Singing practice Violins Singing practice Violins Singing practice Violins Singing practice PSHCE New beginningsGetting on and falling out Going for goalsGood to be meRelationshipsChanges PE Dance (PE coach) Gymnastics (PE coach) Multi Skills (PE coach) Invasion games (PE coach) Hockey (PE coach) Athletics (PE coach)