College of Science and Humanity Studies, Al-Kharj
Level8 (1rst Semester)
Course Title :Syntax& Morphology
Prepared by Teacher: Bahia Khalifa Ibrahim
Objectives: The lecture will provide information concerning the levels of language analysis. Definition of morphology Types of morphology.
The Typographical Level Capitalization SpellingSpacing Punctuation
The Morphological Level The Morphologic al Level Prefixes SuffixesCompounds
The Grammatical Level Subject-Verb Agreement : The boy opens the door The boy open the door Active-Passive: The door was opened by the boy. The door were opened by the boy.
The Semantic Level Grammatical: The woman is pregnant. Acceptable: The man is pregnant.
Discuss the various levels of language analysis ( when applicable)to two of the following sentences. The green-houses are used extensively in agriculture. The co-pilot unexpectedly decides to land in a desert.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously The taxi-deriver disregards the red-light.
The identification, analysis, and description of the structure of a given language’s morphemes and other linguistic units, such as root words, affixes, parts of speech…etc. Morpheme: A minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function. Morphology
Types of Morphemes MorphemesFreeBound
Free morphemes Lexical housesincereFunctionalbut because
Bound morphemes DerivationalSuffixesPrefixesInflectionalTensePlural/possessive
Problems in Morphological Descriptions Law/Legal Sheep Men
Morph & Allomorphs Morphs: The actual form used to realize morphemes. Cat, boy, derive Allomorphs: Are attached to a number of lexical morphemes to produce structures such as: (cat+plural) (Sheep+plural)…etc. (zero-morph).
Important sites Morphology linguistics GWawOXLdqriClXtA2IefA
Suggested Topics for research Levels of Language Analysis Morphology: Definition & Types Word formation Processes. Syntax: Definition, Parts of Speech, syntactic categories. Syntactic analysis: methods of syntactic analysis.
Grammar: Definition, types of grammar. Generative grammar Phrase structure rules Transformation Generative Grammar