Josh Chao Francis Fernandes Denny Lie Jackson Tanis April 20 th 2009 Georgia Institute of Technology College of Engineering School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Problems CompactLogix L43 supports up to 4 axes CompactLogix L45 supporting up to 8 axes could not be obtained Solution NI PCI-7356 Controller was used instead Core of project Interfacing PUMA motors with a PC-based controller
Interface the motor and control system Interface the motor and control system Control the motor’s position and speed Control the motor’s position and speed Provide GUI tracking motor’s movement Provide GUI tracking motor’s movement Establish groundwork for future ECE project Establish groundwork for future ECE project Control motor’s movement with load Control motor’s movement with load Control multiple axes simultaneously Control multiple axes simultaneously
Motor Driver Controller Motor +24V+5V Input Command Signal +/- Motor +/- Supply Encoder A,B, Index and Pot Signals ENABLE Input FAULT Output
ParameterMotor 1-3Motor 4-6 Rated Current (A) Rated Voltage (V)4032 Rated Speed (RPM) Encoder Slots250 Voltage Constant (V/kRPM)26.510
10 V/kRPM 28 V/kRPM
Controller Motor Motor Driver P.S. (+5V) Trust Automation TA115 Voltage Mode (Velocity) Current Mode (Torque) Logic Optoisolation P.S. (+24V)
Quick Installation Onboard Processor Support 6-axis LabView Interface Per AxisNI 7356 Encoder33 Analog Input11 Analog Output11 Digital Ports~28 Limit/Home SwitchesN/A3
Application Development Environment: NI LabView Driver Software: NI Motion Motion Controller: PCI 7356
Hardware Initialization Fast While Loop: - Output voltage control - Encoder reading - Analog input reading Slow While Loop (1 loop/sec): - Motor speed calculation Error Handling
Motor Movement Home Position Calibration Parameter Display When: April 28 th at 5:00 pm Where: Room 113 in Van Leer
Delay in Parts Delivery Delay in Parts Delivery From Rockwell to NI From Rockwell to NI New Cables and Breakout Boards New Cables and Breakout Boards Connector for Motors 1-3 Connector for Motors 1-3 Encoder Index Encoder Index
ItemDescriptionRetail ValueActual Value Robotic ArmPUMA Robot 560 Series$5,000FREE 150 W Motors (1)Unimation Original Parts$ W Motors (1)Unimation Original Parts$350 Servo Drives (6)TA115$4,200 PLC ControllerNI PCI 7356$2,890 Cables (4)68 Pin VHDCI M to MD68 M$220 Breakout Boards (4)68 Pin F Vertical Breakout$200 DesktopDell GX260$350FREE Miscellaneous Tools, Wires, Connectors, Switches, Electrical Components$100FREE Labor600 hours x $50 / hour$30,000FREE Total $43,910$8,460
Wire and Interface all 6 Motors Change Program to Control all 6 Axis Add Limit Switches Software Side Install Motors into the Robot Build Closed Loop PID Control System Program Forward and Inverse Kinematics