K IDSPIRATION /I NSPIRATION Daniella Gomez Brittany Grover Ana Irvin Erica Urban
K IDSPIRATION a "visual way to explore and understand words, numbers and concepts" geared toward usage for K-5th grade students Helps students: Develop thinking skills Strengthen reading and writing skills build conceptual understanding in math
K IDSPIRATION F EATURES Symbol library Symbol maker Link tool The super grouper Integrated Picture and Writing Views Pairing Symbols and Words Word Guide Audio Support Visual Math Tools Also 150+ Quick Start Activity Templates
I NSPIRATION Geared for 6th - 12th grade students Focuses on higher level thinking skills and activities Helps students with these skills: Planning Organization Research Communication Comprehenison Evaluation
I NSPIRATION F EATURES Diagram View Diagram to Outline View Diagram, Outline, and Formatting Toolbars 65+ Quick Start Templates Template Wizard. QuickTime & MP3 Word Guide Hyperlinks. Web Resources: Teacher Resource Book
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Using Kidspiration/Inspiration in the classroom helps teachers meet the requirements of NCLB
S TATE S TANDARDS Using graphic organizers in Kidspiration & Inspiration supports many learning goals as defined by the state standards across the curriculum
R ESEARCH AS P ROVEN : Visual learning is one of the best methods of teaching thinking, writing & comprehension skills Kidspiration/Inspiration helps improve many different learning styles to improve students comprehension & retention
T EACHERS USE K IDSPIRATION TO HELP THEIR STUDENTS : Develop strong thinking skills Strengthen reading and writing skills Build conceptual understanding in math
T EACHERS USE I NSPIRATION TO HELP THEIR STUDENTS : Plan and Organize Research and evaluate Comprehend and Communicate
T EACHER T RAINING Quick Tours Training workshop scripts Quick start tutorials Training videos Evaluation CDs Contact them at:
Student Uses Inspiritation/ Kidspiritation
Why? Can visualize your thoughts with diagrams Diagram a outline of notes Rearrange thoughts/ notes as wished Create a pictorial representation of a book Classify objects into groups
L OG IN ON CAMPUS Go to citrix.asu.edu Log on with your own ID Select CAD Graphics Modeling and Presentations Select Kidspiration 3 or Inspiration 8
H OW TO MAKE A D IAGRAM Open Inspiration Select Diagram View Click inside the box that says main idea Type in your main idea Select your main idea bubble, then hit create at the bottom This will give you a new bubble.
R APID F IRE If you have your sub bubble ideas you can use rapid fire In main idea box after you’ve typed something, hit rapid fire Type in your sub idea Hit Enter When you’re done hit rapid fire again
P ICTURES If you would rather have a picture than a bubble Select the bubble In the symbols search on the side find a picture you would like to use Select the picture
N OTES To add a note select the bubble/picture On the bottom icon list select note A note box will come up Use this to add small notes, definitions etc. To close the note hit the X in the coroner of the note This will allow you to open/close when you click on the pcture
H YPERLINKS To add a hyperlink, highlight the word you wish to link On the bottom icon list select hyperlink Type in your web address
O UTLINE V IEW Inspiration I.Diagram View This is diagram view, you can use it to show how things will relate in a lesson plan. You can also use it in an actual lesson to create a flow chart or diagram! II.Outline View This is outline view, you can use it to create an outline for students, or for yourself! III.Templates Use templates as a resource in class. You can make different flow charts that already have points that you want the student to adress. IV.Notes This is a note. It has it's own button on the bottom that will link the note to the picture so you can open and close it. Use this feature to add information. A.Click on the picture V.HyperlinksHyperlinks Use hyperlinks to link a web page into you diagram or outline! Hyperlinks have their own button on the bottom just highlight the word and select the button. VI.Rapid Fire To use this tool just -Click on the text in your item and hit rapid fire at the bottom. -Then start typing, to do another idea hit enter. -When your finished hit rapid fire again. A.to create B.other ideas C.Use this tool
T O CREATE AN OUTLINE Open inspiration Select outline view Where it says main idea, type your main idea To go to the next line hit subtopic Hit the left or right button on the bottom icon list to change the indenting.
N OTES The note function works the same way To open or close the note select the icon to the left of the line.
W ORD G UIDE The word guide functions kind of like a dictionary. It will give you Definition Synonyms Related words
F ORMATTING TO change the Font Size Bold/Italics/Underline This is all located below the icon list at the bottom and is exactly like a word document
T RANSFER Located in bottom icon list Select transfer to transfer into a word document It will give you some options Only select the ones you want If you’re making an outline you don’t need a diagram.
T EMPLATES Open inspiration Select templates Select the subject you want And browse through to see if they have something you want to use The template will have prompted questions that students can fill in.
PLAY You can download a trial version and play around with it If you like it you can by it!