Instructor: Tasneem Darwish1 University of Palestine Faculty of Applied Engineering and Urban Planning Software Engineering Department Object Oriented Analysis & Design Software Development Methodologies
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish2 RIPPLE OVERVIEW For Ripple, UML notation is employed whenever possible. UML has 13 types of diagram. The UML specification doesn’t say where these diagrams should be used in any particular methodology – we’re free to use whichever we think is appropriate at any stage: Use case diagrams categorize the ways in which a system is used. Class diagrams show classes and how they can be fitted together (they can also show objects). Object diagrams show only objects and how they can be fitted together. Activity diagrams show activity by humans or objects in a similar way to a flow chart. State machine diagrams show the various states of any object with an interesting or complicated life cycle.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish3 RIPPLE OVERVIEW Communication diagrams show the messages sent between objects in some scenario. Sequence diagrams show similar information to communication diagrams, but emphasizing sequences rather than connections. Package diagrams show how related classes are grouped together, for the benefit of developers. Deployment diagrams show machines, processes and deployed artifacts for a finished system. Component diagrams show reusable components (objects or subsystems) and their interfaces. Interaction overview diagrams show individual steps of an activity using sequence diagrams. Timing diagrams show precise timing constraints for messages and object states. Composite structure diagrams show how objects fit together in an aggregation or composition, showing interfaces and collaborating objects.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish4 RIPPLE OVERVIEW
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish5 RIPPLE OVERVIEW
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish6 Use Case Diagram A use case is a static description of some way in which a system or a business is used, by its customers, its users or by other systems. A use case diagram shows how system use cases are related to each other and how the users can get at them. Each bubble on a use case diagram represents a use case and each stick person represents a user
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish7 Use Case Diagram The figure depicts a car rental store accessible over the Internet. From this picture, we can extract a lot of information quite easily. For example, an Assistant can make a reservation; a Customer can look for car models; Members can log on; users must be logged on before they can make reservations; and so on. Each use case is more than just a title such as U7:Make Reservation or U13:Look for Car Models; it must include the actual steps involved in using the system or business. Although UML specifies a notation for use case diagrams, it doesn’t do so for the steps of the use case itself
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish8 Use Case Diagram
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish9 Use Case Diagram RUP refers to the steps of a use case, and a few other bits and pieces, as use case details. The details for U3:View Car Model Details are shown in the Figure
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish10 Class Diagram (Analysis Level) A class diagram shows which classes exist in the business (during analysis) or in the system itself (during subsystem design). Figure 5.9 shows an example of an analysis- level class diagram, with each class represented as a labeled box. Class diagrams (static artifacts) are introduced in Chapter 7. As well as the classes themselves, a class diagram shows how objects of these classes can be connected together. For example, Figure 5.9 shows that a CarModel has inside it a CarModelDetails, referred to as its details.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish11 Class Diagram (Analysis Level)
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish12 Communication Diagram A communication diagram, as its name suggests, shows collaborations between objects. The one shown in Figure 5.10 describes the process of reserving a car model over the Internet: A Member tells the MemberUI to reserve a CarModel; the MemberUI tells the ReservationHome to create a Reservation for the given CarModel and the current Member; the MemberUI then asks the new Reservation for its number and returns this to the Member. Communication diagrams (dynamic artifacts) are described in Chapter 7.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish13 Communication Diagram
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish14 Deployment Diagram A deployment diagram (see Figure 5.11) shows how the finished system will be deployed on one or more machines. A deployment diagram can include all sorts of features such as machines, processes, files and dependencies. Figure 5.11 shows that any number of HTMLClient nodes (each hosting a WebBrowser) and GUIClient nodes communicate with two server machines, each hosting a WebServer and a CootBusinessServer; each WebServer communicates with a CootBusinessServer; and each CootBusinessServer communicates with a DBMS running on one of two DBServer nodes. Deployment diagrams (static artifacts) are described in Chapter 8
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish15 Deployment Diagram
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish16 Class Diagram (Design Level) The class diagram shown in Figure 5.12 uses the same notation as the one introduced in Figure 5.9. The only difference is that design-level class diagrams tend to use more of the available notation, because they’re more detailed. This one expands on part of the analysis class diagram to show methods, constructors and navigability. Design-level class diagrams (static artifacts) are described in Chapter 10.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish17 Class Diagram (Design Level)
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish18 Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram shows interactions between objects. Communication diagrams also show interactions between objects, but in a way that emphasizes links rather than sequence. In this book, sequence diagrams are used during subsystem design, but they’re equally applicable to dynamic modeling during analysis, system design and even requirements capture. The diagram in Figure 5.13 specifies how a Member can log off from the system. Messages are shown as arrows flowing between vertical bars that represent objects (each object is named at the top of its bar). Time flows down the page on a sequence diagram.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish19 Sequence Diagram Figure 5.13 specifies, in brief: a Member asks the AuthenticationServlet to logoff; the AuthenticationServlet passes the request on to the AuthenticationServer, reading the id from the browser session; the AuthenticationServer finds the corresponding Member object and tells it to set its session id to 0; the Member passes this request on to its InternetAccount; finally, the Member is presented with the home page. Sequence diagrams (dynamic artifacts) are described in detail in Chapter 10.
Instructor: Tasneem Darwish20 Sequence Diagram