INTRODUCTION Socio economy
In this topic we will be looking at and discussing the socio and economic impact that social exclusion has on young people, their families, various agencies and society. INTRODUCTION SOCIOECONOMY
QUESTIONS In your opinion which of the two factors is the most influential? Does social influence economic or vice versa? What do you think is the financial cost of social exclusion, both in your country and in Europe as a whole?
What do you think are the impacts on society? What do you think are the main causes of social exclusion? Are these the primary causes or are there other issues that influence these? QUESTIONS
Germany: There were approximately 2.3 million recipients of social welfare benefits in This amounted to € 32.2 bn. Costs in Germany for people living in exclusion include: imprisonment € 80 - € 130 per day temporary accommodation for homeless people (costs are supposed to increase since the estimated number of homeless people will amount to by 2016) cost of educational and participational opportunities for children of recipients of unemployment benefits. (in 2012 this equated to € million.) EUROPEAN ECONOMY
EUROPEAN STATISTICS Sweden: The number of people of working age living in exclusion is approximately 1 million. This is roughly 18-20% of the population. 12%of young people end up statistically in exclusion. Exclusion in this case includes: unemployment, mental illness, substance abuse or crime. Costs include: - Heroin addicted man euros - Heroin addicted woman euros - Long term mentally ill man euros - Long term mentally ill woman euros - Sick/unemployed man euros - Sick/unemployed woman euros
Each teenage Neet (Not in education, employment or training) aged 16 to 18, is estimated to cost the economy £56,000 over the course of their lifetime The current estimated public finance costs of 16 to18 year-old Neets range from £12bn to £32bn. Neets cost £22m per week in Jobseekers Allowance, and £22-133m per week in lost productivity The cost of youth crime (including imprisonment of children and young people) is £23m a week - £1.2bn per year, while the cost of educational underachievement is estimated at £22bn per generation. Source: Work Foundation and Private Equity Foundation report, which cites various research EUROPEAN STATISTICS UK:
PLACES TO GO FOR ADVICE AND GUIDANCE EUROPE Germany… there is a nationwide network of: Charitable associations (Caritas, Diakonie, AWO, IB, Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband) integration services for young migrants (“JMD”) employment agencies and special counselling services for adult and teenage rehabilitation patients Federal Association for socio-cultural Provision for Young People (BAG JSA) Municipality social welfare offices
Sweden: Inter-organisation, preventative measures for children and young people are organised and co-ordinated within the municipal boundaries with: A steering group, a review panel and an expert on socio-economic analysis. PLACES TO GO FOR ADVICE AND GUIDANCE EUROPE
United Kingdom: Citizens advice bureau (CAB) Young people’s Services (YPS) PLACES TO GO FOR ADVICE AND GUIDANCE EUROPE
This training program can be used by everyone who in their work come in contact with young people, and above all to personnel groups, often multidisciplinary, who will be able to, based on the same values and knowledge, cooperate in their work with young people at risk of social exclusion.
This project was developed by: Thank you for your attention! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.