Presentation by MUKESH DAWOONAUTH Statistician, National Accounts Unit MAURITIUS
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Introduction Theory: Supply = Use Real world: Supply ≠ Use Solution Manual Balancing Automatic Balancing
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Manual Balancing Used when discrepancies are large Use of expert knowledge. National Accountant, Survey Specialist, Other Subject matter specialists
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Automatic Balancing Used when discrepancies are small Discrepancies between supply ans use eliminated using softwares meant for the purpose. E,g RAS
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Overall This chapter describes clearly how to proceed when adjustments are needed to bring Supply=Use Adjust items that are weak
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Improvements To provide some indicative sources of data e.g: Taxes- Mauritius- Customs, Government Finance Statistics, Value Added Tax, Enterprises records, Income TAX returns. Summary: look for all available sources of data.
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Caution Bookish knowledge will help very little except for concepts (valuation etc.) to be used. What is important is expert knowledge of the country under reference. Need to have someone knowing the economy.
CHAPTER 7: BALANCING SUPPLY AND USES Caution (contd) May call upon different people. E.g National Accountant, Survey Specialist, Sectoral Statistician etc. This chapter should not be read in isolation, but in conjunction with chapters that follow. E.g. Chapter 8 on some problematic areas.