Work Schedules in SAP November 20, 2008 Paula Terzian
Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University SAP Time Management Enables flexible representation of all personnel procedures involved in recording and evaluating employee time data Work Schedules and Calendars Time Data Collection Recording of Attendance and Absences Annual Vacation and Sick Leave Accrual Time Evaluation and Overtime Wage Type Generation Reporting Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Introduction to Work Schedules In SAP, a Work Schedule is the description of the duration and composition of an employee’s working time for any given work day. In other words, a work schedule determines the standard hours and working days of an employee. Work Schedules are extremely flexible and can be used to model: flextime rotating schedules with any type of pattern schedules where an employee can work at any time Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Time Management Work Schedules For each group of employees, the time management requirements are based on certain expectations. These expectations must be defined in the form of work schedules for each of the groups of employees. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Integration of Work Schedules An employee’s work schedule integrates with all parts of the SAP system including Payroll and Benefits. It can be used to determine hourly rates for salaried employees, a difference in holiday pay, or to indicate to HR-Benefits full-time or part-time employment. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Key Points for Work Schedules Work schedules are a representation of an employee’s planned working time. Every employee in SAP will require a work schedule; however there will not be a 1 to 1 relationship between employees and work schedules. Many employees will share 1 common schedule. It is important to group employees with similar schedules. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Example Work Schedules DAILY WORK HOURS Work Schedule Code Schedule Name PAID on Public Holidays? (Y/N) MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Example: STUDENT Student 24x7 N APA Salary Support 8 to 5 Y 8 OFF APSA Salary Supervisor Staff 10 Hour 10 Operating Engineers Phys Plant Rotation 1 12 Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University Examples Explained Hourly students use positive time recording and can work at any time on any day of the week. Students would have the same work schedule with planned hours of 0. Because they report all time worked and do not receive pay for holidays, they can have a work schedule that has no planned hours and does not include days off. This is sometimes called a 24 by 7 work schedule. Salaried employees work 8 hours/day on Monday through Friday, but some people start at 7:00 a.m. and others start as 8:00 a.m. Employees would have the same work schedule because their planned working time is simply 8 hours per day. This planned working time will be used to determine absence time or an hourly rate in the case of an unpaid leave. Salaried employees work 8 hours/day on Monday through Friday, but some people start at 7:00 a.m. and others start as 8:00 a.m. All of the above employees would have the same work schedule because their planned working time is simply 8 hours per day. This planned working time will be used to determine absence time or an hourly rate in the case of an unpaid leave. Hourly students use positive time recording and can work at any time on any day of the week. All of the above students would have the same work schedule with planned hours of 0. Because they report all time worked and do not receive pay for holidays, they can have a work schedule that has no planned hours and does not include days off. This is sometimes called a 24 by 7 work schedule. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Frequently Asked Questions Will all employees at MSU be required to have a work schedule in SAP? Yes, each employee will require a work schedule in SAP. However, there is not a 1 to 1 relationship between employees and work schedules. Similar employees will be grouped together to use 1 work schedule. What constitutes a ‘similar’ work schedule? A similar work schedule can be defined as a schedule that shares the same amount of working hours on the same days. For example, employees that work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week would share the same work schedule regardless if one started at 6:00 am and another started at 8:00 am. However, an employee who worked 10 hours a day Monday through Thursday would have a different work schedule than an employee that worked 10 hours per day Tuesday through Friday. 3. Why does an employee with positive time (enter all time worked) require a work schedule? A positive time employee would require an accurate work schedule because this allows the employee to have and use their accruals properly. It also allows the system to automatically know when an employee is scheduled for a holiday and how much holiday time they should be paid (only if required). If neither accruals nor holiday pay are required then the employee can be given a generic schedule which for example could be used for students. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Frequently Asked Questions 4. Why does a salaried employee (exception paid) require a work schedule? A salaried employee would require an accurate work schedule because this allows the employee to have and use their accruals properly. It also allows the system to automatically know when an employee is scheduled for a holiday and how much holiday time they should be paid (only if required). A salaried employee’s schedule is used in payroll for proration in the instance of a mid-month start or a mid pay period change in pay. 5. What do the hours represent that you are asking for on the work schedule spreadsheet? When asking for hours we are asking for planned paid hours in a day. Please exclude any unpaid time that may make up an employees work day (lunch break). For the work schedule at this time we are only concerned with the planned paid hours per day. 6. What do you want when you ask for a rotational schedule? A rotational schedule is a work schedule that repeats itself after a period of days. For example, an employee works 10 days on, has 4 days off and then repeats is a type of rotational schedule. The pattern can be over any number of days before it repeats. It does not have to follow a standard week or pay period. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University
Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University The End Discuss Upcoming Emails Questions Thank You Give them link to presentation. Remind them to include any other CUC’s and they may have to delegate the list out. Send us contact names for questions. Copyright ©2008 Michigan State University