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Strategy Template Board Strategy Meeting Date Superintendent Board Strategy Meeting Date Superintendent
Negotiations team Assistant Superintendent of Organizational Development and Learning Chief Financial Officer Director Of Human Resources Director of Support Services (PPME) Legal Counsel (Only after mediation) Assistant Superintendent of Organizational Development and Learning Chief Financial Officer Director Of Human Resources Director of Support Services (PPME) Legal Counsel (Only after mediation)
What can we expect from outside influences ? Governor Branstad will introduce Education Reform language The possibility of 2% allowable growth Insurance increase quote: Next year’s rate= X% Governor Branstad will introduce Education Reform language The possibility of 2% allowable growth Insurance increase quote: Next year’s rate= X%
PPME Bargaining PPME – Entire agreement is up for negotiation Union made its opening proposal on December 21st –PPME wants: An increase of.75 per hour More flexibility on leave Pay for school closures –ACSD wants: Changes in the insurance allocation Limit the amount of vacation payout Furlough language Redefine what qualifies for overtime Flexibility in scheduling breaks and lunch for associates PPME – Entire agreement is up for negotiation Union made its opening proposal on December 21st –PPME wants: An increase of.75 per hour More flexibility on leave Pay for school closures –ACSD wants: Changes in the insurance allocation Limit the amount of vacation payout Furlough language Redefine what qualifies for overtime Flexibility in scheduling breaks and lunch for associates
AEA Language Issues AEA contract will be limited bargaining and include the following as outlined in Chapter 20: –Compensation and Benefits including schedule D are up for re-negotiation. –Each party may open one language item for negotiation. Initial proposal on January 27th –Review of schedule D –“Reasonable” increase in total package –Keep benefits at the current level –Additional time off for family dental and medical appointments –Make minor corrections and updates to the language –Include TSS into a single salary schedule ACSD responded to the AEA proposal on February 9 –ACSD will propose a change in the allocation of health insurance –Remove start and end times in the work hours section –Make minor corrections and updates to the language –Develop a single salary schedule AEA contract will be limited bargaining and include the following as outlined in Chapter 20: –Compensation and Benefits including schedule D are up for re-negotiation. –Each party may open one language item for negotiation. Initial proposal on January 27th –Review of schedule D –“Reasonable” increase in total package –Keep benefits at the current level –Additional time off for family dental and medical appointments –Make minor corrections and updates to the language –Include TSS into a single salary schedule ACSD responded to the AEA proposal on February 9 –ACSD will propose a change in the allocation of health insurance –Remove start and end times in the work hours section –Make minor corrections and updates to the language –Develop a single salary schedule
What must we be prepared to demonstrate? Past bargaining history Ability to pay and detriment to services Comparability Taxing authority Other relevant factors Past bargaining history Ability to pay and detriment to services Comparability Taxing authority Other relevant factors
Changes that could impact the collective bargaining agreement Budget constraints at the state level Reallocation of ACSD staff to use more efficiently across the district Budget constraints at the state level Reallocation of ACSD staff to use more efficiently across the district
Comparability How well are we paying teachers? Starting salaries for the AEA group are very competitive in the metro. This is the result of placing all new teachers at the 7 th step and paying for the full cost of single or family health insurance. OR In our athletic conference our starting salaries are X and we provide X toward the cost of insurance. How well are we paying teachers? Starting salaries for the AEA group are very competitive in the metro. This is the result of placing all new teachers at the 7 th step and paying for the full cost of single or family health insurance. OR In our athletic conference our starting salaries are X and we provide X toward the cost of insurance.
Last Year’s Settlement Trend Statewide average for last year was x% The average amount of settlement with teacher quality was x%. For comparison, schools within our athletic conference settled at X. Statewide average for last year was x% The average amount of settlement with teacher quality was x%. For comparison, schools within our athletic conference settled at X.
Iowa schools’ bargaining history: Date Total package Total Package $ Increase New Money% No.# schools %$2, % %$2, % %$2, % %$2, %292
Economic Conditions State economic indicators: – Iowa unemployment figures are at x% – Settlement average for was x%. – State allowable growth for was x%. – State budget forecast for is good but the question is how much the Governor will put into the formula versus categorical funds aligned with reform measures. State economic indicators: – Iowa unemployment figures are at x% – Settlement average for was x%. – State allowable growth for was x%. – State budget forecast for is good but the question is how much the Governor will put into the formula versus categorical funds aligned with reform measures.
Health Insurance Study Committee Insurance committee has convened. The district has developed, distributed, and compiled an employee benefit’s survey. The insurance committee has reviewed the survey results. The insurance committee is considering the x% increase and whether any other changes should be made. The committee has had discussions about the use of a high deductible plan, health reimbursement account or health savings account. The district and AEA continue to use DPL& A to help the committee make informed recommendations about the plan Insurance committee has convened. The district has developed, distributed, and compiled an employee benefit’s survey. The insurance committee has reviewed the survey results. The insurance committee is considering the x% increase and whether any other changes should be made. The committee has had discussions about the use of a high deductible plan, health reimbursement account or health savings account. The district and AEA continue to use DPL& A to help the committee make informed recommendations about the plan
total premium costs vs. comparative premium costs* Single insurance –ACSD red $522 / $471 PPO –ACSD blue $482 / $471 HMO Family insurance –ACSD red $1,237 / $1,070 PPO –ACSD blue $1,141 / $1,070 Single insurance –ACSD red $522 / $471 PPO –ACSD blue $482 / $471 HMO Family insurance –ACSD red $1,237 / $1,070 PPO –ACSD blue $1,141 / $1,070 * Comparative study done by DPL&A for Public Schools
Proposed schedule
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