Today’s main systems 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1 All other systems are derived from these. Three functions of every system: Attacking Build-up Defensive Every system has it’s “pros & cons” What are you prepared to “give up” ? Players’ strengths and weaknesses (profile)
Traditional 4-4-2 Back 4 – one full back joined in, normally down his side of play 2 centre half's – good defenders particularly in air; not so comfortable in possession Midfield 4 – well spread One attack minded; One defensive minded
Name team’s with success of 4-4-2 Traditional 4-4-2 Wide players stay wide; work tram lines and support their full back Wide players often out and out wingers Central midfield – balanced 1 holding as attack develops, 1 linked with attack Strikers – 1 target man; 1 quick player Name team’s with success of 4-4-2
4-4-2 Diamond Differences – Back 4 – bigger responsibility for full backs to provide width, quite often at the same time Screener/ holding midfield – linked to defence and often plays behind the ball Wide players now play in-field – leaving space on outside for full backs to move into from deep
4-4-2 Diamond Advanced midfield player; responsibility to link with front 2, provide penetration with passes/dribbles Strikers play together and at times apart, looking for balls down the side between centre half/full back
10 9 4-4-2 Diamond 8 11 7 4 3 2 6 5 OFFENSIVE SHAPE 1
4-3-3 – version 1 Again back 4 consisting of 2 centre half's/ 2 full backs Holding/screening midfielder 2 attacking midfield players 2 wide players (wingers?) 1 striker (target man)
4-3-3 – version 1 Full backs need to support/provide the width Screener protects the back 4 – centre of defence or full back area eg Dunga Centre midfield players look to exploit space, in front of opponents and in behind Wide players look to get 1 on 1 with opposition full back Striker, good at leading the line/screening-protecting the ball and decent in the air
4-3-3 Standard 9 11 7 10 8 4 3 2 6 5 OFFENSIVE SHAPE
4-3-3 – version 2 Differences Two full backs encouraged to push on to provide the width Two screeners/ holding midfielders; these stay close together and protect back 4 Advanced midfielder – link between defenders/ defensive midfield and attacking unit
4-3-3 – version 2 Wide players play out to in on opposite side of attacking flank (becoming 2nd striker) Striker needs to link play/ be bright in his movement and look for opportunities to get between defenders either by dribbling with the ball or receiving a pass This can also translate into 4-2-3-1
11 7 4-3-3 4-2-3-1 Standard 9 10 8 4 3 2 6 5 OFFENSIVE SHAPE
4 – 3 – 3 variation Based on central overload in midfield Width provided by both FBs holding wide positions in attack and pushing high Both wide MFs come infield and look to play behind opposition MF and in front of opposition Back 4 ( in the hole ) Creates a 5 man midfield against opposition with CMF holding to cover CHs
Selecting a “system of play” Familiarity of system as a player Familiarity of system as a coach Tradition of the team Views of the coach Influenced by recent events i.e. Results
Question; Do players make the system or does the system make the players ?