JPSS Common Ground System NPP/J1 Algorithm Paradigm Shift IDPS Splinter May 10, 2011
JPSS Common Ground System Page 2 Issue: Planned algorithm drops for 2011 and 2012: –2.1 Planned Drops are currently expected too early in the lifecycle when compared with reality –2.1 Planned Drops are assumed to be larger/more complex than the changes we’ll see from NPP Cal/Val –2.1 Planned Drops are tied into 2.1 development timeframe, significantly lengthening their implementation/delivery schedule –Briefed at the IDPS Splinter on April 5, 2011 Government confirmed the dates are unrealistic Government provided very rough dates that are significantly farther out in the schedule (VIIRS and CrIS in particular would likely not close with 2.1 development schedule) Government also confirmed their limited resources will be entirely consumed by NPP Cal/Val in the near term, and that any major changes to algorithms will likely occur on the NPP Cal/Val path vs. reactions to J1 sensor deltas Algorithm Paradigm Shift - Overview
JPSS Common Ground System Page 3 Near-Term: Major Drops Currently Expected for NPP and J1 EDR Algorithm Adjustments Adjustments to VIIRS EDR Algorithms (part 2) Adjustments to VIIRS EDR Algorithms (part 3) Adjustments to CrIMSS EDR Algorithms OMPS TC & NP EDR Algorithms Changes to these algorithms will occur during NPP Cal/Val and subsequent operations, but they won’t arrive in bulk packages via the 2.1 Algorithm Drop Schedule CrIMSS “State 2” will likely go into NPP processing (government won’t want to wait until 2017 to have them implemented and validated)
JPSS Common Ground System Page 4 PRO LRE ESLOC Hours (FY’11 – FY’16) Note: "Other" includes ADL, PRO Common tasks (Det. Design, CUT, SWIC), Sensor Characterization, and SPCR Workoff
JPSS Common Ground System Page 5 Options 1) Re-Baseline near-term drop hours (within WBS 4.1) associated with VIIRS, CrIMSS, OMPS to line up with when we expect unique J1 algorithm drops to be delivered FY14/15 Pros: Moves hours out of ’11 - ’13 and in line with the projected work; Keeps all 2.1 Alg hours intact for later development Cons: NPP Alg baseline will move ahead of 2.1 Alg baseline until 2.1 Alg work begins; PRO Development team will have a bathtub (4-6 heads) in summer of ’12 due to hours moving to the right; Alg drops will not happen as defined. 2) Re-Purpose near-term drop hours (from WBS 4.1 to WBS 7.1) to line up with CalVal activities associated with NPP Pros: Moves hours to where the actual ‘12/’13 algorithm work will be performed; Keeps NPP & 2.1 Algorithms in sync; Keeps PRO Alg staff in tact and working high priority tasks (Cal/Val) Cons: Requires movement of some hours from Development (WBS 4.1) to Sustainment (WBS 7.1); Hours associated with these drops will not be available for future J1 work
JPSS Common Ground System Page 6 Backup
JPSS Common Ground System Page 7 Near-Term: Major Drops Currently Expected for NPP and J1 EDR Algorithm Adjustments Adjustments to VIIRS EDR Algorithms (part 2) Adjustments to VIIRS EDR Algorithms (part 3) Adjustments to CrIMSS EDR Algorithms OMPS TC & NP EDR Algorithms Changes to these algorithms will occur during NPP Cal/Val and subsequent operations, but they won’t arrive in bulk packages via the 2.1 Algorithm Drop Schedule CrIMSS “State 2” will likely go into NPP processing (government won’t want to wait until 2017 to have them implemented and validated) A-DCS, SARR/SARP, SEM Instrument Data These are not on J1 anymore – can be deferred to J2 and DWSS 5 days worth of NPP flight EVCDUs for all VCIDs from SVALBARD These would be the proxy data for J1; a similar dataset will still need to be generated (we would likely participate in that via the Test Data Working Group) Also need to consider the need for NPP test data derived from NPP operations FTS LRD/HRD algorithms This work will still exist and should probably be treated as development (but it requires further refinement of the FTS strategy in general)
JPSS Common Ground System Page 8 1) Replacement of near-term NPP and longer-term J1 algorithm drops with a continuum of smaller changes during NPP Cal/Val and Operations 2) Deferment of applicable drops to the J2/DWSS timeframe (e.g., SEM- N) 3) Need dates for real NPP data to serve: (a) NPP era testing; and (b) testing of coefficients and lookup tables based on J1 sensor characterization 4) First-cut scheduling of an FTS branch, similar to NPP Sensor Characterization, assuming the same SLOC we had assumed before for FTS, concluding with a merging into the last pre-J1-launch maintenance build 5) Synchronization of builds: this really has two phases: (a) Synchronization of early NPP operations builds with 2.1 development builds; and (b) Synchronization of later NPP builds with both 2.1 development *and* J1 sensor-characterization-based LUT and coefficient updates; this is where we'll need the "middle branch" methodology again Algorithm Paradigm Shift