School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program TCH 216 University High School Clinical Experience Orientation Dr. Erin Mikulec Fall 2015
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Clinical Experience Hours Orientation U-High2 hours Schedule Lab Sessions (T, W, R) for 11 weeks – includes observations, teacher assisting, and teaching Activity Ideas available at: di/?page_id= hours Professional development sessions2 hours (if not during lab time) Meetings, communication with CT, Planning and evaluation for teaching 15 hours Attend two school events5 hours Total56-57 hours This represents the typical minimum number of hours completed by TCH 216 students. Your university instructor may have different requirements.
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Clinical Experience Overview Progressive 11-week Field Experience observation assisting teaching Observations Thursday, September 3 rd Go to CT’s class September 8-10 attend at least 2 PD sessions; when not in PD go to CT. September Observe non-CT classes during lab hours Assisting Find ways to assist in your CT’s classroom Talk with your CT about assisting opportunities
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Clinical Experience Overview Teaching (October 20-Novewmber 20) Culminate with 3 consecutive days of teaching (some variation due to # of clinical students) Videotaping To practice the process of video recording, you will be required to video record a portion of one of your lessons. This can be completed using video cameras, ipads, phones, etc… You may want to work with other 216 students to video record each other. The recording is your responsibility. Helpful Resources include: StudioTeach (3 rd floor of DeGarmo) Video Tools and Techniques for Educators Workshop Video Tools and Techniques for Educators
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Teaching Expectations This is pre-student teaching; it is not student teaching Be prepared to be at UHS for your lab time (TWR) for eleven weeks Be mindful of time getting to and from campus and U-High This is a semester long experience, please treat it accordingly
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Teaching Expectations Dress professionally Use this experience to begin/continue your transition from student to a professional educator. Be a partner with your cooperating teacher Use this experience to grow and improve as a teacher. Growth requires being open to feedback and being self-reflective Although this is pre-student teaching, you are one of the adults in the classroom
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Tips for a Successful Experience Log each and every hour. Log sheets require your CT’s signature. This is your responsibility. Take the initiative to ask your CT how you might best get involved in their class Talk to your CT about their expectations of you and your role in their classroom Begin learning your students’ names on day one!
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Dates to Remember Wednesday, September 30 th – Schedule E Tuesday, October 6 th – Schedule B Talk to your CT about how to work with these schedules and your lab times
School of Teaching and Learning | Secondary Education Program Questions, Problems, Concerns? First, speak directly to your CT and/or your TCH instructor If you need additional assistance, contact me: – Dr. Erin Mikulec, Secondary Program –