How many wires can safety be installed in a junction box Calculations or How many wires can safety be installed in a junction box
2 things happen when current flows in a conductor HEAT
and a MAGNETIC Field
of electrical equipment Heat is the arch enemy
Every conductor produces HEAT when current flows
so does the generated heat within the box As the number of conductors in a junction box increases, so does the generated heat within the box
Installing the maximum number of conductors in a junction box is limited by heat dissipation
six inches of free conductor The conductor length within the junction box is estimated at six inches of free conductor
to the point of emergence from the cable sheathing The six inches is measured from the termination point (splice or terminal screw) to the point of emergence from the cable sheathing
Or from where the conductor exits a raceway
Each 14 gauge conductor installed in a junction box requires 2.0 cubic inches of space Regardless of how many are in the box The TOTAL is always ONE Grounding conductor Except the GROUNDING conductor ONE
The required space (2.0 cubic inches) is determined by the National Electrical Code Book
has a maximum current flow of 14 gauge wire 15 amps
generated safely within the HEAT allowable internal heat produces the maximum 15 amps of current generated safely within the Safe Safe 14 gauge conductor
will slowly COOK the conductor If more than 15 amps of current flows the internal heat through a 14 gauge conductor HEAT will slowly COOK the conductor