Fed Ex Moon Man – Stop 27 Seconds in Salesgenie.com – Stop 21 seconds in
Garmin – Stop at 25 seconds Frito Lay – stop 26 Seconds Budweiser - stop 46 seconds American Heart Assoc. Stop 43 Seconds
Lets Play: What were they selling?
#1 A robot drops a screw at work, so they decide to retire him from his job. He does other jobs but just isn’t happy. At the end he wakes up to find out it was all a dream. (2 nd Q) What were they selling?
#2 Kevin Federline is seen rapping in what appears to be a music video, but quickly flashes to him working in a fast food restaurant. (3 rd Q) What were they selling?
#3 An employee in a office is about to be fired due to his large beard comb over. He tries to convinced the boss that if he started using _______ (product), then that would show that he can make better decisions. (1 st Q) What were they selling?
#4 Two men are working on a car and when sharing this product get caught in a “lady and the tramp” type moment. This results in them needing to quickly do something manly. (1 st Q) What were they selling?
#5 Two guys are at a backyard party and approach each other both grabbing the last of a product. They decide to play rock scissors paper to decide who gets it. The winner throws rock. (1 st Q) What were they selling?
Do you know before they show the product? NumberGuessCorrect Answer NumberGuessCorrect Answer What Were they Selling? After viewing these commercials is it worth $3 Million dollars?