Mentor January Forum #3 Mentor Standards and ICF Framework for Mentoring “ It’s all about student achievement.” CIC:
Connecting Forum Structure Part A
Agenda Outcomes and Norms Connecting Activity Mentor Standard - Engage, Support, and Advance BTs’ Professional Learning -Self Assess on Continuum -Set Goal to Move Forward on Continuum Review ICF Framework for Mentoring -Identify ICF Stance Activity -Analyze Feedback Reminders Closing
Outcomes Mentors will assess their level of proficiency in the Standard of Engages, Supports, and Advances BTs’ Professional Learning Mentors. Mentors will set a goal to move forward on the above Standard Mentors will practice ICF Framework conversations
Norms Active Listening Appropriate use of electronics Equity of voice Respect for all perspectives Confidentiality
Self Assessing Take a few minutes to think about how you have progressed as a mentor. Jot down a couple of your strengths and some specific skills you developed last semester. Also, jot down an idea of how you might like to grow during this semester. Be prepared to share your thoughts.
Learning Forum Structure Part B
Mentoring Standards Engages, supports, and advances the professional learning of each teacher Creates and maintains collaborative professional partnerships to support teacher growth Utilizes knowledge of student content standards, teaching pedagogy, and professional teaching standards Designs and facilitates professional development for teachers Utilizes assessments to promote teacher learning and development Develops as a professional leader to advance mentor and the profession
Focus Standard Engages, supports, and advances BT’s professional learning elements: Uses reflective conversation skills to engage BT in collaborative problem solving Uses a variety of strategies and resources, to respond to BT’s and students’ needs Uses data to engage BT in examining and improving practice Facilitates learning experiences that promote collaborative inquiry, analysis, and reflection on practice
Self-Assessment Exercise Read each level of proficiency descriptor for the Elements in the Focus Standard. Underline any word or phrase that particularly describes your mentoring practice. Determine which level of proficiency best describes your mentoring for each Element. Write today’s date in the highest level of proficiency you believe you have achieved.
Set a Goal to Grow as a Mentor Look closely at the descriptors of proficiency levels in the first Element of today’s Focus Standard. Be very thoughtful and determine whether each of the phrase does or does not accurately describe you as a mentor. Choose one or two phrases that describe the mentor you would like to be by the end of this semester. This will be your personal goal. If you are comfortable, share your thoughts about setting your goal.
Reviewing the ICF Framework The ICF Framework is a higher level of mentoring conversation skill and an absolutely essential skill to have as a highly effective mentor. ICF is included in the second and third descriptor levels of the Element in which we just set our goal(s), so it makes sense that we should review.
Strategy Sort On a post-it note, write an I. On another, write a C. On another write an F. Divide the strategy cards found in the envelope among the participants in your group. Read each card aloud to group and discuss whether the strategy is more likely instructive, collaborative, or facilitative. Place the card under the appropriate strategy.
PHASES OF FIRST YEAR TEACHING: ATTITUDES TOWARD TEACHING Moir, Ellen (1990) New Teacher Center, Santa Cruz, California
Managing Forum Structure Part C
Dates/Deadlines for Mentors Training requirement is differentiated. Explanation is found in DOCUMENTS on mentor website page. Log on to Follow this pathway: Click on PD Departments Click on STEP (which stands for Supporting Teachers through Exemplary Practice) Click on Mentors.
Self-Registering for Courses Mentors and CICs can self-register to have immediate access to the Online eLEARN courses 24/7. Step by step self-registration directions with screenshots are available at the website in DOCUMENTS. Complete eLEARN course tasks with your mentee.
Closing Forum Structure Part D
Reflecting on the Training Complete the CAL Survey: What’s working? (What is going well so far this year in your role as a mentor?) What are your challenges/concerns? (Have there been any challenges or concerns that have not been easy to address or to solve?) What might be your next steps? (What might you do to address any pending concerns? How will you use what has been addressed in this training?) What can I do for you? (What can I do to help you, your BT, and the mentoring program on our campus?)
Training Survey Indicate on the CAL Survey if you have registered for or completed the face to face training if applicable. Indicate if you completed the TASKS with your BT in the applicable eLEARN courses. - Check the boxes for the completed courses. - Be sure that you have entered completion date into MAS. - To the right of the courses that you have not completed, write the date that you anticipate you will have it completed.