Educator and Provider Support RFP Bidders’ Conference March 11,
Background Information Since its creation in 2005, the Board and Department of Early Education and Care have been charged under its enabling statute (MGL Ch15D) to develop, implement, and annually report on progress towards a Workforce Development System for the early education and out of school time field. EEC’s Workforce Development Reports (2006 and 2007) provided a framework and key elements for the system. Workforce Task Force, Steps Forward, and EEC’s Strategic Plan provided further recommendations for alignment and requirements to meet the needs of the field. 2
Background: Current Initiatives 3 FY2010 Desired outcomes Building Careers Colleges 21 grants$923,776 Provide college courses through cohort model and related support services including academic advising and career counseling at times convenient for working adults. Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to achieve a related credentials and degrees. CPC Program and Provider Supports 94 grants$1,985,914 Increase the number of programs which are accredited by NAEYC, NAFCC, or COA. Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to achieve a related credentials and degrees. CCRRs Professional Development 15 contracts $703,589 Support the new child care regulations with professional development that helps programs meet new requirements (curriculum, inclusion, interactions, oral health, literacy, etc); Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to achieve a related credentials and degrees. Total $3,613,279
Procurement Goals Better alignment across early education and care and elementary/secondary education A system that is accessible to educators and providers throughout the state. Professional development that: 1. Is evidenced-based and aligns with EEC’s core competency areas; 2. Leverages resources; 3. Shares responsibility between educators and providers (programs); 4. Meets the needs of the workforce in all settings, specific age groups, and unique populations including English language learners and students with disabilities; and 5. Is targeted and intentional 4
Procurement Goals cont. EEC’s Goals for: Educators: Implementation of two primary pathways: One pathway to move educators towards degree attainment in ECE or related field Second pathway based on core competencies Providers: support providers/programs in efforts to increase quality through staff development, accreditation, and upward movement along QRIS 5
Three Core Areas 1. Educator and provider planning For individual educators and providers 2. Coaching and mentoring Support academic success in higher education Implement career plans based on knowledge, skills, and abilities Support providers’ development and performance improvement 3. Competency Development Attainment of degree in ECE or related field Competencies attainment through credentials, certificates, etc Accreditation and increasing QRIS levels 6
Eligible Bidders “This is a competitive grant to provide professional development services to the Massachusetts early education and care and out of school time workforce. It is EEC’s expectation that entities will partner together to submit a proposal to deliver professional development offerings and functions within all three identified core areas: educator and provider planning, coaching and mentoring, and competency development. Bidders are required to provide services in all three core areas for each of the professional development pathways for which they are bidding”. (RFP, p. 6) 7 For more information see “Eligibility” section of RFP.
Eligible Bidders cont. Partnerships of entities that are legally authorized to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that possess the skills needed to perform the required services outlined in the RFP. Entities that have not previously provided professional development services are eligible to submit proposals. Individuals or individual entities are not eligible for this RFP. 8
Bidder Requirements Serve a minimum of 500 providers (programs) in each EEC region selected. Provide services within all 3 core areas: educator and provider planning, coaching and mentoring, competency development. Serve educators and providers in mixed delivery system. Prioritize those serving EEC-funded children. Support educators’ competency development at all levels, initial through advanced. Award academic currency such as CEUs or college credits. 9 Note: Partnerships proposing to serve more than one EEC region must submit a separate proposal for each region.
Requirements: Overall Identify of administrative lead/fiscal agent Letter(s) of support from partnership members Local and regional collaboration Assess and understand population serving Ensure professional development addresses specific age groups, diverse learners, children with special needs and children who are at risk or subject to stress Demonstrate experience providing services 10
Requirements: Educator and Provider Planning Implement professional development pathways for all educators and providers in mixed delivery system Provide professional development opportunities that: Meet the needs of educators and providers in the field including ABE, ESOL, developmental, CEU-based, and college-credit coursework Meet schedules of educators and providers in the field, i.e. non-traditional hours and settings Links to preceding and following pathway points Helps educators and providers move along continuum and results in academic currency 11
Requirements: Coaching and Mentoring Individualized academic and career counseling Assist supervisors in developing PD plans for staff Ensure all educators have access to mentoring and coaching Ensure individuals providing education, mentoring, and coaching have required expertise Encouraging providers to support staff professional development through MOUs 12
Requirements: Competency Development Professional development that Addresses theory, implementation strategies, and reflection Includes pathways for all educators that address basic academic needs and guide and support educators through credential, certificate, and degree attainment Providers opportunities for educators of infants, toddlers, preschool and school age children that address EEC’s Core Competencies and related topics, including STEM Aligns with ESE frameworks QRIS advancement and Accreditation 13
Technology Requirements 14 All bidders must have access to information technology systems that are compatible with those used by EEC for both laptops and desktop computers. Bidders must meet the minimum technology standards for Computer requirements Operating systems Internet connections Staff technology experience
Funding and Fund Use $3.2M anticipated for FY2011 Lead agency may only subcontract with partnership members Lead agency must be able to provide some of the services directly Lead agency and subcontractor(s) must submit standard and programmatic budget detail and narrative forms on-line At least 25% allocated to coaching and mentoring Up to 50% of required accreditation fees and memberships Adhere to EEC fee schedule 15
Outcomes and Measures Successful bidders will be required to submit regular required data reports to EEC in a timely manner Report will include quantitative and qualitative elements including but not limited to data specified in Outcomes and Measures section of RFP Data must be reported on individual and aggregate level for educators and providers 16
Timeline March 11: March 19: March 26: March 29: April 30: May 3 - June 1: June 1: July 1: Bidders Conference Written inquiries due to EEC Response to inquiries posted On-line submission opens Submission Deadline Application review by EEC Bidder award notification Grant start date 17 **Grant Duration: July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2013**
Submission Instructions On-line registration required on EEC’s website: Identify region and cities and towns proposing to serve. Complete standard and programmatic budget detail and narrative forms Submit to EEC by mail: Required responses (questions) List of partnership members Calendar of professional development activities Other required fiscal forms 18
Reminder Questions must be submitted in writing to: by March 19 th Questions and Answers document will be posted with grant application Bidders must complete on-line registration and mail application to EEC by April 30 th Bidders must submit one original and three copies of required forms Bidders proposing to serve cities/towns in more than one EEC region must submit a separate proposal for each region 19