Urinary System
Combining Forms Azot/o: nitrogenous compounds Corpor/o: body Glomerlu/o: glomerulus Gon/o: genitals Meat/o: opening, meatus Noct/i, nyct/o: night Olig/o: few Pyel/o: renal pelvis Ur/o, urin/o: urine, urinary tract Ureter/o: ureter Urethr/o: urethra Vesic/o: bladder
Suffixes -grade: to go -spadias: split, fissure -tripsy: -uria: urine
Overview Urologist: a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the female and male urinary systems and the male reproductive system Nephrologist: a specialist in diseases affecting the kidneys
Overview Parts: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra Functions: to remove waster products from the blood and excrete them as urine Regulating blood pH Maintaining water and electrolyte balance
Diseases and Conditions Azoturia: an increase of nitrogenous substances in the urine Cystocele: bulging of the bladder through the vaginal wall “prolapsed bladder” Diuresis: increased formation and secretion of urine Dysuria: painful or difficult urination Edema: abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissues that may signal kidney failure
Diseases and Conditions End-stage renal disease: (ESRD) kidney disease that has advanced so much that the kidneys can no longer filter blood Transplantation or dialysis needed “chronic renal failure” Enuresis: involuntary discharge of urine after the age in which bladder control should be established “nigh-time bed-wetting” or “nocturnal enuresis”
Diseases and Conditions Hypospadias: congenital opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis Interstitial nephritis: nephritis with destruction of nephrons and impairment of renal function Nephrolithiasis: formation of kidney stones Renal hypertension: high blood pressure that is a result of kidney disease
Diseases and Conditions Uremia: elevated urea levels in the blood “azotemia” Urinary tract infection: (UTI) infection of the kidneys, ureter or bladder Wilms tumor: A malignant tumor of the kidney that occurs in young children before age 5
Diagnostic Procedures Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): a test that measures the amount of urea in the blood Culture & sensitivity (C&S): a test that isolates and grows microorganisms to identify a pathogen Kidneys, ureters, bladder (KUB): a radiographic examination to determine location, size, shape and malformation of kidneys, bladder and ureters
Diagnostic Procedures Pyelography: a radiographic study of the kidneys, ureters and bladder after injection of a contrast medium Intravenous pyelography (IVP): radiographic imaging where contrast medium is injected intravenously to visualize the urinary tract Retrograde pyelography (RP) radiographic imaging where contrast medium is introduced through a cystoscope into the bladder and ureters
Diagnostic Procedures Renal scan: nuclear imaging that determines renal function and shape through the measurement of a radioactive substance injected into the kidneys Urinalysis (UA): physical, chemical and microscopic analysis of urine Voiding cystourethrography: radiography of the bladder and urethra during the process of urination after filling the bladder with a contrast medium
Medical and Surgical Procedures Catheterization: insertion of a hollow, flexible tube into a body cavity or organ Cystoscopy: insertion of a rigid or flexible cystoscope through the urethra to examine the bladder or obtain a sample for biopsy Dialysis: the process of filtering blood when the kidneys cannot Lithotripsy: removing stones by crushing them so they can be expelled with urine Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy: using powerful vibrations to break up stones
Medical and Surgical Procedures Nephrolithotomy: a surgical procedure that involves a small incision into the skin and insertion of an endoscope into the kidney to remove a stone Renal transplantation: organ transplant in a patient with end-stage renal disease Ureteral stent: insertion of a thin tube into the ureter to prevent obstruction of urine flow
Pharmacology Antibiotics: treats bacterial infections Antispasmodics: decreases spasms in the urethra and bladder by relaxing smooth muscle Diuretics: block reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys increasing the amount of salt and water excreted in the urine
Abbreviations BUN: blood urea nitrogen C&S: culture and sensitivity CKD: chronic kidney disease CRF: chronic renal failure cysto: cystoscopy ESRD: end-stage renal disease ESWL: extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy IVP: intravenous pyelography KUB: kidneys, ureters, bladder
Abbreviations PKD: polycystic kidney disease RP: retrograde pyelography pH: degree of acidity or alkalinity TURP: transurethral resection of the prostate UA: urinalysis US: ultrasound UTI: urinary tract infection VCUG: voiding cystourethrography WBC: white blood cell