Health and medical sciences – student experience and placements An Quach RMIT Student
2 Medical sciences Make a real difference to the lives of individuals, families and the community.
Medical sciences at RMIT RMIT offers a range of Medical Sciences programs including: - Biomedical Science - Exercise and Sports Science - Laboratory Medicine - Medical Radiations - Pharmaceutical Sciences - Pharmacy - Physical Education 3
4 Medical Radiations Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations) Bundoora Campus, 3 years Prerequisites: Units 1 & 2 – Chemistry or Biology, Units 3 & 4 - one of mathematical methods (CAS) or specialist mathematics, and a study score of at least 30 in English (ESL) or at least 25 in any other English. 3 Streams available: - Medical Imaging: Radiography - Nuclear Medicine - Radiation Therapy
My experience – in the beginning Finished Year 12 VCE at MacRobertson Girls’ High School in 2005 In Year 11 studied Unit 3&4 Biology In Year 12 studied Unit 3&4 Chemistry, Physics, Math Methods, Specialist Math & English Excelled in Biology & had a strong interest in this area. Decided to be a Doctor because I enjoyed helping people. Graduated from Year 12 & actually ended up studying at RMIT studying a double degree in Bach. Chemical Engineering/Bach. App. Sci. (Biotechnology) 5
My experience – now In my final year of Medical Radiations Changing my course was the BEST decision I ever made! RMIT supports the learning of students in this course by; Most Tutors & Staff are currently or have previously worked in the industry as radiographers Students learn how to search peer reviewed literature to support their learning after graduation Exposure to the clinical setting & performing examinations on REAL patients under supervision at different hospitals & clinics Opportunity to represent RMIT at a Global Student Leadership Program in Daegu, Korea 6
My experience – in the future After graduating, students must complete an Intern year or PDY before they fully qualify –Involves rotating through major, minor & rural hospitals throughout the year to gain exposure to different clinical settings RMIT Medical Radiations course is recognised internationally –qualified radiographers can travel & work overseas. Opportunities to undertake further study –MRI –Ultrasonography 7
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