1 下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術與應用 ( 二 ) 子計畫四 無線隨意及感測網路技術 (2/4) 子計畫主持人 陳文村 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 子計畫共同主持人 曾煜棋 教授 國立交通大學資訊工程系所 許健平 教授 國立中央大學資工系 陳志成 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 蔡育仁 教授 國立清華大學電機所.


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Copyright © 2010, OpenFlow - Innovate in Your Network 指導教授:王國禎 學生:洪維藩 國立交通大學資訊科學與工程研究所 行動計算與寬頻網路實驗室.
郭 茂 坤 國立台灣大學 應用力學所 Tel: 芬蘭居家照護科技研究之簡介 郭 茂 坤 國立台灣大學 應用力學所 Tel: 謝謝江教授的介紹.
會議時間 : 99 年 4 月 19 日 ( 星期一 ) 會議地點 : 清華大學 國際會議廳 報名網頁 : 議程 時間場次活動內容 09:00~09:20 報到 09:20~10:20.
教育部「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」 下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術及應用 分項計畫四 無障礙網路技術的研究與發展 進度報告 (9/13/2000) 計畫主持人 清大電機系許雅三教授 清大資工系金仲達教授.
行銷學原理‧曾光華、饒怡雲 著‧前程文化 出版
區域網路系統 明新技術學院資訊管理學系專任助理教授 工研院電通所無線通訊技術組顧問 清華大學資訊工程學系博士 林文宗博士 or
電腦網路 By 王丕中 國立中興大學 資訊科學系.
控制與訊號處理實驗室成果簡介 指導教授 陳博現教授 本實驗室研究主題主要分為三類:第一類為非線性隨機控制及量子系統 控制應用。第二類是訊號處理及無線通訊應用。第三類是整合訊號及控制 在系統生物學及生物資訊的應用。相關研究成果分類介紹如下: 一、非線性隨機控制設計及量子系統追蹤控制 :( 最近成果及目前進行研究.
分子材料與生化工程實驗室 指導老師 余琬琴 教授 Molecular Material & Biochemical Engineering Laboratory.
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CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 1 CS Seminar 專題討論 張耀文 Yao-Wen Chang Department of Electrical Engineering.
鄭 建 民 10/07/2014. 本計畫期間發表之壓電與介電相關期刊論文 篇 (8 篇 SCI) 1. Kai-Huang Chen*, Chien-Min Cheng, Jen-Hwan Tsai, Chin-Hsiung Liao, Shu-Hua Liang, “Dielectric.
微機電伺服控制實驗室 MEMS Servo Control System Lab. 國立交通大學機械工程學系工程五館 249 室 分機: 國立交通大學 機械工程學系 指導教授:陳宗麟 老師辦公位置:工程五館 469 室 (EE469) 電子信箱:
教育部補助「行動寬頻尖端技術跨校教學 聯盟計畫 - 行動寬頻網路與應用 - 小細胞基 站聯盟中心計畫」 Small Cell 創新應用與服務專題 課程單元:基本 LTE 換手之研究 計畫主持人:許蒼嶺 授課教師:李宗南、簡銘伸、李名峰 教材編撰:謝秉融 國立中山大學 資訊工程系.
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Presentation transcript:

1 下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術與應用 ( 二 ) 子計畫四 無線隨意及感測網路技術 (2/4) 子計畫主持人 陳文村 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 子計畫共同主持人 曾煜棋 教授 國立交通大學資訊工程系所 許健平 教授 國立中央大學資工系 陳志成 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 蔡育仁 教授 國立清華大學電機所 王晉良 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 張志勇 教授 淡江大學資訊工程系 楊舜仁 教授 國立清華大學資訊工程系所 大學學術追求卓越發展延續計畫

2 下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術與應用 ( 二 ) 子計畫四: Sensor Network Design and Application –Hardware Platform MICA Mote (UC Berkeley) –Network Design Issues Power Saving Protocols Positioning System –Applications Emergency Navigation Shopping Mall Guiding B3G Core Network –System Design of The B3G Core Network –Broadband Wireless Access Technologies –Applications and Services in B3G Networks

3 Wireless Technologies in MANETs and WSNs Mobile Ad Hoc Networks –Power Saving & Power Control Protocols (90%) –Multi-Channel Management Protocol (80%) –IP Assignment Protocol (60%) –Link Stability for MANET (70%) –Multicast Authentication Mechanism for MANET (100%) Wireless Sensor Networks –Power Saving Scheme (60%) –Time Synchronization Protocol (50%) –Topology Control Protocol (70%) –Sensing Coverage for Shadowed Environments (50%)

4 Demonstrative Application Systems in WSNs Indoor Security Monitor and Emergency Navigation System –Network Deployment Tool (80%) –Reliable Topology Reconstruction Protocol (90%) –Distributed Emergency Navigation Algorithm (90%) –Simulation and implementation Results (70%) Location Aware Services of a Hybrid Network for a Shopping Center –Data gathering system (80%) –Product information query system (70%) –Hybrid network architecture (60%) –Indoor target tracking system (40%) –RFID shopping system design (30%)

5 Intersystem Roaming in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Establish PPP session in 3GPP2 core network (80%) IPv4/IPv6 intersystem roaming (70%) Apply intersystem roaming between 3GPP, 3GPP2, and WLAN (60%)

6 Indoor Security Monitor and Emergency Navigation System (I) Reliable Topology Reconstruction Protocol –Regular reporting based on spanning tree –Auto reconstruction if nodes crash Distributed Emergency Navigation Algorithm –Emergency rescue –In network processing –Multiple exits

7 Indoor Security Monitor and Emergency Navigation System (II)

8 Location Aware Services of a Hybrid Network for a Shopping Center (I) To design and implement a shopping center guiding system To provide a real-time merchandised product information based on location information RFID settle system and product information request system

9 Location Aware Services of a Hybrid Network for a Shopping Center (II) Cluster header Active Sensor Sleep Sensor WSN WLAN Access Point RF_ID System server RF_ID cardRF_ID reader

10 Verify Location Motion Model Update? Predict Location An Indoor Tracking System Using Kalman Filter System Overview

11 MSBSCPCFPDSN A10/A11A8/A9Virtual Link origination Traffic Channel establishment A9-Setup-A8 A11-Registration Request A11-Registration Reply A9-Connect-A8 PPP Session establishment PPP server GRE relay PPP relay PPP client Establish PPP session in 3GPP2 core network

12 IPv4/IPv6 intersystem roaming Integrate Mobile IPv6, 6to4 automatic tunnel, NAT-PT Improve Mobile IPv6 to make it adaptive to IPv4 network Utilize 6to4 automatic tunnel to reduce the complexity of manual configuration Utilize NAT-PT to reduce the overhead introduced by tunneling Scenario IPv6  IPv6, IPv6  IPv4, IPv4  IPv6, and IPv4  IPv4 are tested by VIC and RAT

13 經費運用情形 核定金額實支數餘額執行率 人事費 2,641,5842,641, % 研究設備費 1,397,1421,397, % 其它費用 1,142,0001,130,76011,24099% 國外差旅費 252,000153,53298,46861% 出席國際會議 168,000155,83112,16993% 管理費 538, % 合計 6,139,0006,017,012121,98898%

14 Activities ( 學術活動 ) Conferences( 會議舉辦 ) –ITRE 2005 ( 已確定 )( 陳志成 教授 ) –Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks, in NCU, August 2005 ( 許健平 教授 ) –The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), in TKU, Taiwan, March ( 張志勇 教授 ) –Prof. D. Agrawal, Mobile Systems, WLANs and WPANs Workshop (2005 年 3 月 16 日 ) –Special issue on “Key Technologies and Applications of Wireless Sensor and Body- area Networks” (Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications) ( 曾煜棋 教授 ) –Special issue on Communications (Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers) ( 陳志 成教授 ) Contest ( 競賽得獎 ) – 國立交通大學 「第 14 屆思源創意競賽」金竹獎, 指導教授 : 曾煜棋 教授, 2005 ( 獲 獎學生 : 游敦皓, 吳秉禎, 林慧榛, 呂依璇, 題目 : 墓仔埔也敢去-異質位置感知導覽 系統及其應用平台 ). – 國立交通大學 「第 14 屆思源創意競賽」銀竹獎, 指導教授曾煜棋 教授, 2005 ( 獲 獎學生 : 范日中, 顏宗信, 林素貞, 題目 : 晡 ( ㄅㄨ ) 晡 ( ㄅㄨ ) 加上小蜘蛛 — 無線攝影車 與室內無線感測網路之應用 ).

15 學術獎勵 1. 產學合作

16 Journal papers( 論文 ) (請老師提供 1-4 月 accept) 1.S.-R. Ye and Y.-C. Tseng, “A Multi-Chain Backoff Mechanism for IEEE WLANs”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (to appear). (SCI, EI) 2.S.-P. Kuo, Y.-C. Tseng, F.-J. Wu, and C.-Y. Lin, "A Probabilistic Signal-Strength-Based Evaluation Methodology for Sensor Network Deployment", Int’l J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (to appear). 3.J.-C. Chen, M.-C. Jiang, and Y.-W. Liu, “Wireless LAN security and IEEE i”, IEEE Wireless Communications, Feb (SCI, EI) 4.J.-C. Chen and H.-W. Lin, “A gateway approach for mobility integration of GPRS and wireless LANs” IEEE Wireless Communications, April (SCI, EI) 5.J. -P. Sheu, K. -P. Shih, S. -C. Tu, and C. -H. Cheng, “A Traffic-Aware Scheduling for Bluetooth Scatternets,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (accepted) 6.C. –M. Chao, J. -P. Sheu, and I. –C. Chou, “An Adaptive Quorum-Based Energy Conserving Protocol for IEEE Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (accepted). 7.C. -Y. Chang, K. -P. Shih and S. -C. Lee, “ZBP: A Zone-based Broadcasting Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications (accepted). 8.C. –Y. Chang, Y. –S. Chen, T. –C. Kao, W. –Y. Hwang, L. –D. Chou, Y. –W. Chen, J. –P. Sheu, T. –W. Chan, “Some Studies and Lessons Learned from Mobile Outside Classroom Learning,” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) (Accepted) 9.Duan-Shin Lee, C.-M. Chen and C.-Y. Tang, ``Weighted Fair Queueing and Compensation Techniques for Wireless Packet Switched Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. (Accepted) Publications

17 Conference papers (cont.) 1.C.-S. Hsu and Y.-C. Tseng, “Cluster-base Semi-asynchronous Power-Saving Protocols for Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Communications (ICC), C.-F. Huang, L.-C. Lo, Y.-C. Tseng, and W.-T. Chen, “Decentralized Energy-Conserving and Coverage-Preserving Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Int’l Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), S.-C. Huang, Z.-H Liu, and J.-C. Chen, “SIP-based mobile VPN for real-time applications”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC ’05), (New Orleans, LA, USA), March Y.-W. Lan, J.-H. Yeh, J.-C. Chen, and Z.-T. Chou, “Performance enhancement of IEEE e EDCA by contention adaption”, accepted by IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC ‘05), (Stockholm, Sweden), May J.-C. Chen, W.-M. Chen, and H.-W. Lin, “Design and analysis of GPRS-WLAN mobility gateway (GWMG)”, accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC ’05), (Seoul, Korea), May Y. –C. Chen and J. –P. Sheu, “Interest-Based Lookup Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), pp , Taiwan, March (received highly recommended paper award) 7.J. -P. Sheu, C. –H. Yu, and S. –C. Tu, “A Distributed protocol for query execution in sensor networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference 2005 (WCNC 2005), LA, USA, March C. -P. Liao, J. -P. Sheu, and C. -S. Hsu, “Power Management Protocols for Regular Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Networking (ICN'05), Reunion Island, April J. –P. Sheu, P. K. Sahoo, and C. –H. Huang, “Power Control Based Topology Construction for the Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC'05), pp. 541 – 546, April J.-P. Sheu, S.-C. Tu, and L.-H. Chan, “A Distributed IP Address Assignment Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, July 2005.Fukuoka 11.J.-P. Sheu, P.-W. Cheng, and K.-Y. Hsieh, “Design and Implementation of a Smart Mobile Robot,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob’2005), Montreal, Canada, August S. –L. Wu, J. –P. Sheu, and C. –C. Lee, “A Fully Distributed Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Based on Location Information,” in Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'05) Las Vegas, USA, June J.-M. Li, J. -P. Sheu, and C. -S. Hsu, “A Distributed Location Estimation Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, Linkou, Taiwan, March, (received the best paper award). 14.J. –P. Sheu, K. –Y. Hsieh, and P. –W. Cheng, “Node Replacement Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, Linkou, Taiwan, March, C. Y. Chang, Hao-Chun Sun, Chen-Chi Hsieh, “MCDA : An Efficient Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless LAN with Directional Antenna,” IEEE International workshop on Information Networking and Applications (INA' 2005), Taiwan, March 2005.

18 Conference papers (cont.) 16.C. Y. Chang, Ju-Mei Li, Hsu-Ruey Chang, “PCF : On Exploiting Spatial Reuse and Power Conservation Opportunities with Power Control and Fairness Mechanism for WLAN,” in The Second IEEE International Conference on wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai UAE, March C. Y. Chang, Prasan Kumar Sahoo, Shih-Chieh Lee, “LARP : A Novel Routing Protocol for the Bluetooth Scatternet,” in The Second IEEE International Conference on wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai UAE, March Kuei-Ping Shih, C. Y. Chang, Chien-Min Chou, and Szu-Min Chen “A Power Saving MAC Protocol by Increasing Spatial Reuse for IEEE Ad Hoc WLANs,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), Taiwan, March C. Y. Chang, Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, Jang-Ping Sheu, “Studies and Lessons Learned from Ad Hoc Learning,” in The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Technology : Research and Education (ITRE 2005), Taiwan, June Kuei-Ping Shih, C. Y. Chang, Hung-Chang Chen, Sheng-Shih Wang “Self-Regulated Learning System with Scaffolding Support for Self-Regulated e/m-Learning,”in The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Technology : Research and Education (ITRE 2005), Taiwan, June Yuh-Ren Tsai and Kai-Jei Yang, “Available Data Rate Variations for Third Generation CDMA Mobile Cellular Systems,” Proc. of IEEE 2004 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2004 Spring), Milan, May (EI) 22.Yuh-Ren Tsai and Tsand-Ren Chen, “A Novel Macroscopic Diversity Technology for CDMA Mobile Communications Systems,” Proc. of IEEE 2004 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2004 Spring), Milan, May (EI) 23.Y.R. Tsai, “Coherent M-ary Spreading-Code-Phase-Shift-Keying Modulation for Direct- Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems,” Proc. of IEEE 2004 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2004 Fall), Los Angeles, Sept (EI) 24.Y.R. Tsai and S.J. Wang, “Routing Security and Authentication Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc. of IEEE 2004 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2004 Fall), Los Angeles, Sept (EI) 25.Y.R. Tsai and J.W. Syu, “Spatial Correlation Models for Total Co-channel Interference and Carrier-to-Interference Ratio in Mobile Cellular Systems,” Proc. of IEEE 2004 Globecom, Dallas, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, (EI) 26.Yuh-Ren Tsai, Yi-Chien Wang and Kai-Jie Yang, “A New MAC Protocol for Streaming Services in Wireless Multi-channel Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE 2005), Hsinchu Taiwan, June Book Chapters : –J-P Sheu, Y-S Chen, and C-Y Chang, “Energy Conservation for Broadcast and Multicast Routings in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” J. Wu (Eds) Handbook on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc Wireless, and Peer-to-Peer Networks, June 2005 by CRC Press.