ESL Info Share Highlights of Results, Spring 2013
Survey Respondents NamePosition TitleCollege Silvia GarciaChair, Language InstituteAlgonquin College Janice ClarkeChair of General StudiesCambrian College Susan TrenkerCoordinator/ Faculty ESL ProgramCanadore College Trish ColesChair, EAP & ELL ProgramsCentennial Corinne MarshallESL CoordinatorFanshawe College Tamara Fisher-CullenEAP CoordinatorGeorgian College Stephen AllenDirector, English Language CentreHumber ITAL Hanna ErogluESL Project ManagerLambton College Erica Fagan Coordinator Post-Sec ESL Comm / EAP PartnershipsMohawk Frank BieriAcademic Coordinator EAPNiagara College Martine AllardDirector, English Language InstituteSeneca College John IvesonESL Coordinator and ProfessorSheridan College
Does your college offer an intensive full-time ESL program during the day?
Does your college offer LINC?
Does your college offer ELT?
Does your college offer OSLT?
Does your college offer Bridging?
Does your college offer TESOL?
Does your college offer Part-time ESL?
What kind of language support is available to ELLs enrolled in general postsecondary programs at your college?
How many levels does your Intensive ESL Program have?
How long are terms in your Intensive ESL Program?
Who makes up your student population in Intensive ESL?
Is mid-term or monthly intake available in your Intensive ESL?
How is Intensive ESL programming delivered?
Are general education courses offered as part of the ESL program?
What is the average class size in your Intensive ESL? Algonquin College20 Cambrian College'12-13 Canadore College18 Centennial14-18 Fanshawe College20 (cap is 22) Georgian College14 Humber ITAL18 Lambton College'12-15 Mohawk25 Niagara College18 Seneca College18 Sheridan CollegeSixteen
What are the minimum qualifications required for NFT ESL faculty at your college?
What are the minimum qualifications required for FULL-TIME ESL faculty at your college?
If your minimum requirement for ESL faculty includes an ESL-related Masters degree, what kinds of graduate degrees do you accept?
Does your college have a larger institutional strategy of which ESL is a key component?