e-state Estonia
What is e-state? e-state means public official databases and collection of legal acts in Internet It creates quick and diverse forum of communication between state and people
e-government e-government started at 2000 e-government is Estonian Republic government homepage, where one has opportunity to take part in governmental sessions through the Internet Session´s agenda and materials are provided via Internet
ID-card ID-card is a valid Europe indentity document ID-card has many oppurtunities for example it can be used to sign documents electronically (including agreements) and test the validity of the digital signatures. Internet banking- now you don´t need any more bank code cards and lots of passwords
e-elections e-elections started in 2005 at the local government elections You don`t need to go out of home if you want to vote- you can do it through Internet using your ID-card
In total, at local government elections 2009, 10% of 60% were electing via Internet
e-tax office and e-customs e-tax office has a website which can be used to pay different taxes via Internet. This is possible even in case you are visiting your grandmother Income Tax declaration: It is comfortable to declare the income tax without leaving home
entId=&actionParam=&sessionThreadId=0&rnd=& rnd1= &setLang=et_EE e-School A teacher: Can plan tests, give grades, provide home assignements A student: Can have overview of his/her grades and home assignements The parents: Can have overview of the grades of his/her child, home assignements, missed days, remarks of a teacher
Applying to university All people wishing to apply to the university or other higher educational institutions may send their applications via Internet
Mobile ID Mobile ID makes your life even easier ID-ticket A passenger can purchase a bus or tram ticket via Internet, mobile phone or even desk phone Parking a car via mobile Signing documents Mobile banking payments
Why we use e-state? Because it is: Environmentally friendly Simple Saving time Reliable Access to a huge amount of information
THE END Thank you!