Strength-based Coaching Skills Soft Skills Training for Women in Construction
Up till now you…From now on you will… Cared about survivalWant prosperity Thought who you are & where you have been Imagine who you can be and where you can go Knew your weaknessesIdentify your strengths Wondered why you failedFocus on what you have achieved Analysed the causes of failureUnderstand what helped you succeed and repeat it to achieve your goals Tried to avoid failureDemand the success you deserve Thought you could succeed if you improved your weaknesses Know you can succeed if you build on your strengths Changing Mindset
Talent to strength
Indications of my strengths
BeingCommunicationMotivationRelationshipsThinking Authenticity Courage Curiosity Humility Responsibility Self-awareness Ambition Vision Explanation Feedback Humour Active listening Storytelling Scribe Spotlight Kindness Adventure Catalyst Competitiveness Self confidence Improvement Resilience Work ethic Love for learning Empathy Development Building rapport Persuasion Teamwork Leadership Interest in others Creativity Detail Judgement Optimism Prevention Insight Problem solving Strategic thinking (Linley, 2008) Strengths - families
Strength spotting
Benefits For the menteeFor the mentor High performance Goal achievement Self-esteem/Self-efficiency Resilience Commitment Less stress Energy Success Motivation Satisfaction Quality relationships Development Self-esteem Commitment Energy Success
Summing up... I focus on my talents I develop them with knowledge and skills I observe what I do well and often I evaluate what gives me energy I use/combine my strengths I evaluate my strengths
HIGH HEELS PROJECT Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation BG1-LEO C OPYRIGHT © Copyright 2013 High Heels Consortium Consisting of: BULGARIAN CONSTRUCTION CHAMBER (BG) CONSTRUCTION TRAINING CENTER (BG) AR CI PROFESSIONAL CENTRE Ltd (BG) MILITOS EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES &SERVICES (GR) KNOWL (GR) RNDO Ltd (CY) STEJAR CENTER OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT & EXCELLENCE (RO) This document may not be copied, reproduced, or modified in whole or in part for any purpose without written permission from the High Heels Consortium. In addition an acknowledgement of the authors of the document and all applicable portions of the copyright notice must be clearly referenced. All rights reserved. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Transferring the University of Salford’s award winning training programme: “‘Women and Work: Sector Pathways Initiative” (2010)