Berkeley Nucleonics Instrumentation Since 1963…
Management Team David Brown, President 15 Years, BA Management Mel Brown, Director of Finance 45 Years, MS Electrical Engineering John Yee, Director of T&M Application 35 Years, MS Electrical Engineering Jim McQuaid, Director of Radiation Detection Applications 10 Years, BS Nuclear Physics Robert Corsetti, Director of Sales 5 Years, BS Neuroscience
Test and Measurement Industry Leading Specifications Amp Stability, Interface Options, Low Jitter Widest Range of Signal Generators High Voltage, NIM, Optical, TTL, ARB, Pulse Measurement Instruments Scope, Digital Multimeter, Frequency Counter Price / Performance Channel Cost, Feature-Rich
Nuclear Detection Radiation Detection Pagers and Identifiers Spectroscopic Portal Monitors Accredited Training Programs Reachback and Program Support US DoD, US DHS, Health Physics Certified Domestic and International Support Offices
Life Sciences Video Microscope Feature-Rich Microscope Academic, Research, Investigative, Industrial High Voltage Stimulators Neuroscience Research
Flagship Products Test and Measurement Scanning Microscopes NIM Pulsers and Power Supplies Radiation Detection Special Function and Custom Development
MODEL 1420: Images / Summary The Model 1420 Scanning Video Microscope is a research-grade, inverted fluorescence video microscope for applications in many fields. This general purpose microscope combines some of the most advanced features with portability and value pricing.
Model 1420: DESCRIPTION Microscope Type - Inverted, Tabletop x-y Traverse Resolution - 10 um BW Camera Module - 640x480 pixels, 600 lines res Color Camera Module -640x480 pixels, 490 lines res Outputs: Frame and Rate Data to Strobe/Straddle Small Footprint - Easy to Transport Modular Design - Expand optics as needed Objective - 10X semi-plan (Standard) Optional Objective - 4X and 50X Illuminator Module - 4-ch array, 24 high-bright LEDs Bacterium 10x
MODEL 1420: Features A precision motorized microscope at mechanical scope pricing 30 second acquisition buffer with event triggering and storage No mechanical controls or knobs to stress, just save your setup Sensitive 30 fps color and B&W video cameras for low-light imaging Synchronous pulsed illuminator fights blur and photo-bleaching Bottom-up viewing and illumination Motionless stage for unperturbed microsystems Extensive optics, filter and camera options Simple coordination with external apparatus Silk 10x
MODEL 1420: Applications Lab Automation Education and Academic Projects Clean-room Studies, Forensics Incubator Research (remote) Nanotechnology Separation Sciences Microanalysis Genetic Sciences Life Sciences, Pathology Studies Optical Bench Microscope Grasshopper Leg 10x