Work Skills for Today’s Economic World
3 Categories of Work Skills: Academic Occupational Employable
ACADEMIC Includes those skills taught in regular academic classes in school. Mathematics English & Writing Science Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Etc…
OCCUPATIONAL Includes those skills that are specific to a certain industry/job. Construction Medical Skills Cosmotology Computer Programming Etc…..
EMPLOYABLE Includes those skills that reflect character and work ethic. Honesty Dependability Creative Thinking Flexibility Problem Solving Etc…..
Which skills are most important to employers? EMPLOYABLE
Why are these skills the most important to employers? Academic and Occupational skills can be taught while on the job through actual work experience and training classes. If someone has not already exhibited the personal skills in the Employable category, there is very little chance that they will develop them while on the job.
When and where should you be developing Employable skills? School Home Work After-school activities Church Family outings On dates Where else????