EUROPA UOMO Legal body - History and future Stockholm ht
Prehistory Followed by successful examples of US TOO, USA, EUROPA DONNA, founded 1993 and “WIJ OOK” founded 2000 in Antwerp, Followed by successful examples of US TOO, USA, EUROPA DONNA, founded 1993 and “WIJ OOK” founded 2000 in Antwerp,Belgium. EUROPA UOMO, First launched in Rome EUROPA UOMO, First launched in Rome
MANIFESTO Letter of intention and Manifesto was accepted and subscribed 29.October 2003 in Antwerp, Belgium by leading National Prostate Cancer Patient Organizations from 12 EU member countries Letter of intention and Manifesto was accepted and subscribed 29.October 2003 in Antwerp, Belgium by leading National Prostate Cancer Patient Organizations from 12 EU member countries
Constitutions and By-Laws Preparation period was very intensive and hard working during 2003 and Preparation period was very intensive and hard working during 2003 and Finally Constitutions and By-Laws were subscribed 10.June 2004 in Milan by Finally Constitutions and By-Laws were subscribed 10.June 2004 in Milan by 12 Founding member organizations. 12 Founding member organizations.
A mendments to the Constitution and By-Laws Amendments made to the Constitution and By-Laws were unanimously approved Amendments made to the Constitution and By-Laws were unanimously approved at the General Assembly Milan Home site at the General Assembly Milan Home site - Number of members of Steering Committee and their consequence terms Committee and their consequence terms and two vice-chairmen and two vice-chairmen
Acreditation Given in GA in Milan 28. March 2008 Acreditation Given in GA in Milan 28. March 2008 EUROPA UOMO’s General Assemble EUROPA UOMO’s General Assemble gave all powers to Steering Committee to make any applications or other actions which may be needed to fulfil the Coalition’s registration to Milan
Transferring Home site to Milan Nov The Italian Authorities required some changes in our By-Laws and to set a temporary Board of Directors. The Italian Authorities required some changes in our By-Laws and to set a temporary Board of Directors. At the same time Europa Uomo’s “old” member organizations were accepted as “founding” members. At the same time Europa Uomo’s “old” member organizations were accepted as “founding” members.
General Assemble in Stockholm decides: Europa Uomo now registered in Milan, Italy respects the previous elections of General Assembles 2006, 2007 and 2008 as to the membership of Steering Committee and their terms of reference. Europa Uomo now registered in Milan, Italy respects the previous elections of General Assembles 2006, 2007 and 2008 as to the membership of Steering Committee and their terms of reference. Amendments made to the By-Laws by the Steering Committee in Krakow will be accepted and registered by Milan Notary in May Amendments made to the By-Laws by the Steering Committee in Krakow will be accepted and registered by Milan Notary in May 2009.
Accreditation Given in GA in Stockholm 20. March 2009 Accreditation Given in GA in Stockholm 20. March 2009 EUROPA UOMO’s General Assembly to give power to the Steering Committee to make any applications or other actions which may be needed to register the Coalition’s amended By-Laws in Milan. EUROPA UOMO’s General Assembly to give power to the Steering Committee to make any applications or other actions which may be needed to register the Coalition’s amended By-Laws in Milan.
Recording and Submitting of all amendments During the General Assembly of Europa Uomo March in Stockholm the resolutions will be recorded and signed by the chairman and secretary, whereupon it becomes the “Official Record” of the Coalition. During the General Assembly of Europa Uomo March in Stockholm the resolutions will be recorded and signed by the chairman and secretary, whereupon it becomes the “Official Record” of the Coalition.