Environmental Health Unit: Lesson 1 - Introduction Objective: TSWBAT identify issues of how the environment affects our personal health on a daily basis. TSWBAT investigate environmental issues, government agencies, and eight laws that deal with our environment.
Environmental Health The study of humans & their interactions with the environment. Human health is dependant on a high quality environment The professional in environmental health works to protect the overall quality health of air, water, soil & food.
Env. Issues – Population Growth ▫More than 7 billion people live on earth ▫10 billion by 2100! people are living longer & fewer infants are dying ▫Land suitable for growing crops may be inhabited by people ▫Population increases – so does the demand for health services ▫Population of developing countries grows at a faster rate of developed countries.
Env. Issues - Poverty & Hunger ▫Poverty = condition in which a person does not have sufficient resources to eat and live ▫Malnutrition = condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health 46.2 million Americans live in Poverty
Env. Issues - Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming ▫Greenhouse effect = process by which water vapor & gases in the atmosphere absorb & reflect infrared rays & warm Earth’s surfaces ▫Global warming = an increase in earth’s temperature
Env. Issues – Destruction of the Ozone Layer ▫Ozone = form of O2 ▫Ozone layer = protective layer of the upper atmosphere that traps ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and prevents it from reaching earth’s surface ▫CFCs = chlorofluorocarbons – group of gases that are easy to compress & expand / used as a propellant in aerosol sprays & coolants
Env. Issues – Destruction of the Rain Forests ▫Rain forest = hot, wet, forested area that contains many species of trees, plants, & animals – 7% of earth’s land ▫Source of food, rubber, timber, ingredients for prescription drugs ▫At the current rate…Rain Forests will completely vanish in < 100 years Forests are being cleared for agriculture – trees produce O2 & absorb CO2 (What are we going to breath?)
Environmental Health Agencies Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ▫Federal agency responsible for reducing & controlling environmental pollution Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) ▫Federal regulatory agency responsible for workplace environment. Publishes information on environmental issues & regulations ▫ ▫ tch?v=HpA2qIcOgak&feature =relatedhttp:// tch?v=HpA2qIcOgak&feature =related
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 1. Clean Air Act: ▫Law that allows the EPA to set standards for major air pollutants.
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 2. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Act: ▫Law provides funding to clean up uncontrolled or hazardous waste sites & oil & chemical spills
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 3. Clean Water Act: ▫Law that sets regulations on wastes going into water and on the operation of waste treatment plants & makes it illegal to release pollutants into the water
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 4. Safe Drinking Water Act: ▫Law that protects the quality of drinking water. It also sets standards for owners and operators of public water systems
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 5. Endangered Species Act: ▫Law that protects animal & plant species threatened by extinction.
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 6. National Environmental Policy Act: ▫Law that requires all governmental agencies to consider and assess the impact on the environment before taking any action that might affect the environment.
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 7. Toxic Substances Control Act: ▫Law the authorizes the EPA to set standards for the manufacturing, use, transportation, and disposal of toxic substances
Laws & Acts – Regulate the Environment 8. Occupational Safety and Health Act: ▫Law that sets a series of minimal safety and health standards that all employees must meet.