IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Proposed Problem and Scope Statements for Handoff ECSG Huai-An (Paul) Lin Intel Corp. May 2003
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Problem Statement Statement 1: There is a need to develop a handoff standard that allows a mobile terminal to change its point of attachment from one 802-network of some type to another 802 network of a different type, and from an 802 network to a non-802 network (e.g., GPRS) and vice versa. Statement 2: There is a need to develop a handoff standard that allows a mobile terminal to change its point of attachment from one 802 network of some type to another 802 network of the same or a different type, or to a non-802 network (and vice versa), without interrupting data delivery to/from that terminal.
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Scope Statement (1a) Statement 1: To develop a PHY/MAC layer standard that specifies a common framework for handoff between two 802 networks of the same or different types, or between an 802 network and a non-802 network. –Characterization A: The framework shall specify handoff primitives and procedures that can be realized in 802 networks of most (if not all) types and selected non-802 networks. Examples of primitive: probe (discovery of candidate target point of attachment), authenticate, associate, create forwarding tunnel, etc. Procedures: sequences of primitives Selected non-802 networks: include at least GPRS (Release 5 and later)
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Scope Statement (1b) Statement 1: To develop a PHY/MAC layer standard that specifies a common framework for handoff between two 802 networks of the same or different types, or between an 802 network and a non-802 network. –Characterization B: The framework shall make handoffs seamless under favorable conditions to be specified. Smooth: lossless (don’t lose packets due to HO) Fast: low delay Seamless: smooth and fast Examples of favorable condition: (1) mobile terminals can maintain simultaneous connectivity with multiple points of attachment; (2) the source point of attachment can forward packets to the target point of attachment; (3) others
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Scope Statement (1c) Statement 1: To develop a PHY/MAC layer standard that specifies a common framework for handoff between two 802 networks of the same or different types, or between an 802 network and a non-802 network. –Characterization C: The framework shall not address mechanisms for handoff in Layer 3 or above, billing/accounting, and authentication. The framework will use authentication mechanisms developed by 802.1X
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Scope Statement (2) Statement 2: To develop a standard that specifies a common framework for 802 triggers to be used by Layer 3 for handoff. –Characterization 1: The framework shall specify abstract trigger types, to be specified by IETF or jointly specified by IEEE and IETF, that can be realized in 802-networks of most (if not all) types and selected non-802 networks.
IEEE P802 Handoff ECSG Submission May 2003 Paul Lin, Intel Corp Motion To straw poll on the proposed problem statements and scope/characterization statements - Problem Statement 1 - Problem Statement 2 - Scope Statement 1/Characterization 1 - Scope Statement 1/Characterization 2 - Scope Statement 1/Characterization 3 - Scope Statement 2/Characterization 1