2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career MSIP ARRA Monitoring and Technical Assistance Diana Chang, Sheryl Parkhurst, Matthew Schneer, and Daniel Schreier, MSIP Recovery Act Facilitators Strand 3 Presentation # S3 105 and S3 109
ARRA Recap American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 was enacted February 17, 2009) and is governed by four principles:
ARRA Principles 1.Spend funds quickly to save and create jobs. 2.Improve student achievement through school improvement and reform. 3.Ensure transparency, reporting and accountability 4.Invest one-time ARRA funds thoughtfully to minimize the "funding cliff."
MSIP’s Recovery Act Facilitators (RAFs) Facilitator – Rebecca Walawender Team A (Corr) – Matthew Schneer Team B (Gregorian) – Daniel Schreier Team C (McPherson) – Sheryl Parkhurst Team D (Ringer) – Diana Chang
RAF Purpose Statement To facilitate the implementation of the ARRA as it relates to IDEA: Reviewing Section 1512 Quarterly Reports Developing/conceptualizing, implementing, conducting MSIP ARRA Monitoring Providing ARRA related TA Collaborating with other offices and agencies on ARRA implementation and oversight
Section 1512 Review 1512 subrecipient and vendor reports provide a window into how ARRA/IDEA funds are drawn down and expended Subrecipient vendor reports provide details that are not normally accessible Provide opportunity for RAFs and States to explore fiscal or ARRA specific issues together Window into Expenditure of Funds
TA Calls with States In the coming months, RAFs, in collaboration with State Contacts, will arrange TA calls with States to discuss issues identified through 1512 reports Examples of possible issues include: – School bus purchases/other vehicle – Construction – Infrastructure – Electronic equipment – Professional development
Definition of Infrastructure ‘…financial support for a physical asset or structure needed for the operation of a larger enterprise. Therefore, infrastructure investments include support for tangible assets or structures such as roads, public buildings (including schools), mass transit systems, water and sewage systems, communication and utility systems and other assets or structures that provide a reliable flow of products and services essential to the defense and economic security of the United States, the smooth functioning of government at all levels, and society as a whole. However, an infrastructure investment does not include “minor remodeling” as defined in 34 CFR §77.1(c).’
Infrastructure Key Points: needed for the operation of a larger enterprise. provide a reliable flow of products and services essential to the defense and economic security of the United States, the smooth functioning of government at all levels, and society as a whole. infrastructure investment does not include “minor remodeling”
What is Infrastructure? Based on this definition, States must determine what types of expenditures are infrastructure, and meet all federal reporting and procurement requirements attached to them.
Not Infrastructure <> Infrastructure Server supporting 650 computers at El Dorado High School Home Server Servers: are they infrastructure? A program is designed to run on classroom computer networks between five to eight workstations linked to a server. This server room is being used to check all the systems at Heathrow Terminal 5 integrate seamlessly
Requirements if it is Infrastructure Approval and procurement procedures – Prior approval Section 1511 certification: – Description of the investment, – Estimated total cost, – Posted on the internet and linked to Section 1512 reporting: – Total infrastructure spending – Appropriate activity code – Purpose and rationale
LEAProject Description Estimated Cost Est. ARRA Funds CedarburgRemodel life skills room $60,000 CedarburgRemodel restroom $40,000 UnityInstall door openers $5,890 Wisconsin Dells Dells Remodel life skills room $12,947 Wisconsin Infrastructure Investment Projects Funded by ARRA under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA Recovery Flow-through (Sec. 611) Sample ARRA 1511 Data
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring
Building upon the desk reviews MSIP conducted in , developing protocols and schedule for ARRA monitoring All States and entities that received ARRA IDEA funds will be monitored – document reviews, – telephone interviews, and/or – on-site visits
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring Our monitoring will consider the four basic ARRA principles and the statutory and regulatory requirements And in the process of developing monitoring tools include a series of parallel ARRA monitoring priority areas for Part C and Part B
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring A. Procedures are reasonably calculated to ensure grantees and other recipients of IDEA ARRA funds can demonstrate accountability and transparency B. Proper controls are reasonably calculated to ensure funds are used in accordance with IDEA, ARRA, and all applicable federal requirements IDEA ARRA Monitoring Principles
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring C. Procedures are reasonably calculated to ensure that instances of fraud, waste, or abuse of funds are promptly identified and mitigated D. Funds reach intended recipients and achieve results IDEA ARRA Monitoring Principles
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring 1. Timely Obligation and Liquidation6. Early intervention services (EIS) program monitoring Reporting7. Policies and Procedures Related to Financial Matters 3. Internal Controls8. Fraud, waste, and abuse 4. Use of Funds9. Impact of ARRA and achieving results 5. Non-supplanting (MOE) Part C Priority Areas
Proposed Recovery Act Monitoring 1. Timely Obligation and Liquidation6. Excess Costs Reporting7. Subrecipient Monitoring 3. Internal Controls8. Fraud, waste, and abuse 4. Use of Funds9. Impact of ARRA and achieving results 5. Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Part B Priority Areas
Technical Assistance Upcoming fiscal monitoring tool for Part B (subrecipient monitoring) and Part C (lead agency fiscal monitoring) – Will outline areas that SEAs and LAs should examine as part of their fiscal monitoring procedures – Will be rooted in statutory and regulatory requirements
Technical Assistance RAFs and State Contacts available on “as needed” basis Future Webinars and TA Calls Follow up from Monitoring Activities
Questions and Concerns? Contact: – – – – –
ARRA Links I. Department of Education Department of Education’s Recovery Act Main Page: ARRA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B Fact Sheet: Guidance: Uses of Funds Guidance: ARRA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C Fact Sheet: Uses of Funds Guidance: Guidance: ARRA 1512 Recipient Reporting Requirements: Clarifying Guidance on Recovery Act Section 1512 Quarterly Reporting (including the Department’s definition of infrastructure; see pp ): Department of Education Recovery Act Technical Assistance Webinars: Education Department General Administrative Regulations: See Part 76 - State-Administered Programs See Part 80 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments IDEA Section 605 Requests for Equipment or Facility Construction/Alteration:
ARRA Links II. External Links ARRA Bill Text: bin/query/z?c111:H.R.1.enr: bin/query/z?c111:H.R.1.enr ARRA §§ (e.g. Certifications, Public Reporting): bin/query/F?c111:1:./temp/~c1111uPsVi:e546372http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi- bin/query/F?c111:1:./temp/~c1111uPsVi:e546372: ARRA §§ (Buy American, Wage Rate Requirements): bin/query/F?c111:1:./temp/~c1111uPsVi:e595666http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi- bin/query/F?c111:1:./temp/~c1111uPsVi:e595666: Sample Department of Education Buy American waiver: 2/060210b.pdf Davis Bacon Act: Central Contractor Registration (required for all LEAs):