Integrated Projects & Networks of Excellence Examples in IST
Networks of Excellence Industrial exploitation Current Industrial strength / presence Fundamental research Basic research Industry-driven research Targeted Research Projects Example of implementation in IST « Monolitihic » Incremental Integrated Projects
Integrated Projects - purpose Designed to support research that is ….. objective and result driven Designed to support research that is ….. objective and result driven –clearly defined objectives and results Each IP should Each IP should –integrate the types of activities needed to obtain the goals –integrate the critical mass of resources needed to obtain the goals –integrate all elements of technology / value chain …. to attain high-impact goals –support industry (large & SME) collaboration with academia
IPs: addressing all needed elements of the value chain (1) Integrated project Current projects Ex: Multi-sensorial interfaces
process optimisation / pre-production module integration / device prototyping module development advance technology options & roadmaps Time to market Industry Other sources (EIB) Eureka FP6 Addressing the needed elements of the value chain (2) Combining funding sources In microsystems… Integrated Project MSs
nano & micro Passive Structures nano & micro Passive Structures nano & micro Sensing Devices nano & micro Sensing Devices nano & micro Actuating Devices nano & micro Actuating Devices nano & micro Processing Devices nano & micro Processing Devices nano-micro-optics Techniques, nano- micro-magnetic & nano-micro-mechanics Materials, nano-micro-electronics & nano- micro-fluids Effects. nano-micro-biomedical nano-micro-chemical nano nano-micro-optics Techniques, nano- micro-magnetic & nano-micro-mechanics Materials, nano-micro-electronics & nano- micro-fluids Effects. nano-micro-biomedical nano-micro-chemical nano MST and based applications / systems nano-microsystems as components MST and based applications / systems nano-microsystems as components All needed elements of the value chain (3): Technology-applications (nano- micro-) Packaging, Interconnect & Assembly IP
Time Integration along the innovation cycle Best practice Take-up, trials Industry driven research Adoption IP Basic research
Proposed project roadmap Potential evolution of an Integrated Project Workpackage Application Vision Spin-off results Call for trials Add partners e.g. SMES Call to extend and complete Call for trials Add partners e.g. SMEs Call for integration of results Call for IP’s in application domain Workpackage technology / application RTD project – – roadmap + single objective – RTD + demonstration + take-up
“Monolithic” partners known at outset tasks identified budget known “Incremental” participation tasks identified budget known not all participants are in “Incremental” funding objectives known technology roadmap known tasks to be completed budget to be changed participants as well Integrated Projects - possible implementations
Networks of Excellence - objectives To reinforce or strengthen …. scientific and technological excellence on a given research topic To reinforce or strengthen …. scientific and technological excellence on a given research topic –by integrating the critical mass of expertise needed to provide European leadership and be a world force –around a Joint programme of activity (JPA) Structuring European research by … integrating research capacities across Europe. Structuring European research by … integrating research capacities across Europe. –Durable integration –To progress knowledge on a particular theme Overcome the fragmentation of European research Overcome the fragmentation of European research To act as a “Virtual Centre of Excellence” To act as a “Virtual Centre of Excellence” To spread excellence beyond the partners To spread excellence beyond the partners
Partner1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 RTD activities in Europe before the NoE(today) Partner1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 Coordinated The NoE field NoE - aims at integrating & shaping research Integrating activities “Binding” Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 4 Partner 3 with the NoE The JPA
Examples: IST “federating” projects (just examples)… Situation before the project: Situation before the project: –good isolated research teams in Europe –fragmented effort, redundancy of work, multiplication of effort on basic research tools such as software libraries etc… –a huge gap with US, Japan in terms of quality of deliverables and impact –links to industry very sparse The projects: The projects: –Brought together between 8 to 15 the best teams in Europe –80 and 150 researchers per year –EU funds were a tiny part of the total effort (~10 researchers) –Helped emerge common research work between ALL team members –Fostered exchange of knowledge, coordination of activities, –built links with the US, Japan,… –Common deliverables, co-written papers and common research tools
Examples: IST “federating” projects (just examples)… Main outcomes Main outcomes –Solid research community with coordinated activities –Some integrating activities such as: common software libraries incorporating all advances brought by all teamscommon software libraries incorporating all advances brought by all teams agreement on common open standards, methodologies for data representations, for visualisation, for problems handling....agreement on common open standards, methodologies for data representations, for visualisation, for problems handling.... Start up companies to commercialise the outcome..Start up companies to commercialise the outcome.. The move to an NoE The move to an NoE –Further integration of activities. –Community contribution to be used by network participants as they wish to strengthen integration. –The effective building of common research programmes –From coordination to common programmes.. –Wider dissemination of activities to SMEs, etc.. Example of fields in the past: Algorithms, Dependable systems… Example of fields in the past: Algorithms, Dependable systems…